Saturday, December 30, 2006

RaiN rAiN Go AWaY...

had dinner on Christmas with the family and one of my dad's friends... they came over for dinner and the whole table was filled with food... we even ran out of cutlery... haha...should have thought abt that problem, cos this was the first time probably that we had so many pple eating at the table... too bad it was raining on both christmas eve and christmas... we went to IMM to buy all the food for the dinner... so many pple... and the place also changed already... the outside looked different... and guess what, i saw the my girl dvd on sale, so i immediately bought it... haha... that's what i have doing over christmas... watching the show all day (and night)... i am obsessed...

been raining non-stop for the past few days since christmas... wanted to go for the post-christmas sales also cannot... been holing myself up at home watching dvds... even cancelled the meeting with zhenzhen and denise bcos it was raining so heavily... why...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My GiRL...

Merry Christmas!!
went out with pong and one of my dad's friend... went to vivocity and she treated us to this really posh Brazilian restaurant buffet called Carnivore... whoa ate till i was so full... ate alot of meats today... the food was great... especailly suitable for those who love to eat meats... after that, walked around vivocity and as usual, there were alot of pple there even though it's like a weekday and it's the middle of the day... after that, while we were on our way to the mrt station, i actually met veena and devi... so "qiao" lor... cos i was about to call veena to inform her about the class gathering... haven't seen them for sooo long already, but they still looked the same... and they also said i looked the same... is that good or bad, i wonder?? talked for awhile, standing in the middle of the pathway...
and then we took a train down to plaza singapura... nothing much has changed... actually looking for a nice pair of sandals... preferably with abit of heels... but so far i have not seen any nice shoes yet... walked to OG, walked around there for abit and then went for a facial... haha... my face really hurts after facial... and i dread going everytime...

met up with zhenzhen aka brother for dinner at junction 8... again... i still remembered we went there last year also and also ate at the food court... we even ate ice kachang again... we really must do things differently next time... otherwise so predictable... after eating, we walked for abit, took like one picture together and went to look for fleecy jackets for zhenzhen... cos she will be coming to sydney uni next june for a year... yay... very excited... after that, we went to mcdonald and bought a chocolate milkshake and just sat and talked...

shit lah... got hooked onto this new korean series called MY Girl... once i started watching, i couldn't stop, so in the end, watched till like the next morning... did not sleep at all... i hate it... i know myself, once i start a show, i won't stop till i know the ending... that's why i refused to watch the other korean show during exams... bad bad andrea... btw, the show is damn good... better than princess hours... nice nice... and the main actor is sooo cute... haha...

Monday, December 25, 2006


All the photos were too large to be put on friendster... so i had to post them here...


alamak... i accidentally put the wrong date on my previous post so now i can't post my blog until after 23 dec... so "gundoo"...
monday... met up with piyo, inthu and angie... went to this indian food place called kumala's to eat... piyo was late and we had to wait so long for her... ate prata but it was not that nice... ate and talked after not seeing them for a year... after that, we walked around marina square... took some pictures... piyo lost alot of weight... inthu and angie still looked the same to me... angie had to leave early so left the three of us and we decided to share a candy floss... yummy... i noe it's bad for the teeth... but i haven't had it for so long... and then after that, we walked abit more and went our separate ways... was waiting for the bus for like half an hour and it still did not come... so in the end i had to catch the free shuttle bus to city hall mrt and then take a bus home... and it was raining so heavily... so annoying... accompanied my grandma to the hospital on tuesday... raining like shit again... so we had to catch a taxi instead...

wednesday... met up with jo, fran and sherry... finally... dunno why they all so busy... went bowling at great world first with jo and huimin... i really think that we actually do better in the first rounds than in the second rounds... cos maybe we are all tired already and the game did not seem that fun anymore... and we agreed that the winner had to treat ben and jerry's... haha and the loser gets to distribute half of the pamphlets that jo brought with her... at the end of 2 rounds... jo won... which was amazing and unbelievable... haha juz joking... and huimin lost... and i got to eat ben and jerry's after... yummy... after that, we went to town and i bought tutu to eat... was actually quite full by then already... and then it was time to start distributing the pamphlets... very tiring leh actually... and then after distributing for more than an hour... i think i distributed less than 20... it's really hard man cos NOBODY wanted to take them... and guess who I saw while distributing at tangs... MEL!!! i did not even see her until she came right up to me... i was so tired by then and hot... so glad to see her... was supposed to go out with her one day before she goes back to sydney... and then finally was can stop already and meet fran and sherry for dinner at pepper lunch and takashimaya... but we ran into justina at orchard mrt... she looked different... sherry also... it was funny... haha... after dinner... we went back to cineleisure upstairs again to chill out... like last year... talked, gossiped... heard stories and glad that each of them are doing well... i did not really have any interesting stuff to say but i was contented to just sit there and listen... thanks guys... we really must meet up more often okay... and dun forget the class gathering... next time... KBOx!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

WEt weT wEt...

friday... huimin came over to bake stuff with me... we baked brownies, cheese sticks and cinnamon rolls... cinnamon rolls bcos both of us are huge fans and there is no longer any cinnamon rolls shops here anymore... everything started off fine... except huimin laughed at me for my poor math skills, i can't help it... i have not been calculating fractions mentally for awhile and most of the times, we used the calculators... hmmph... ayway, the cheesticks and the cinnamon rolls did not turn out as nice as we expected... the pastry for the cheesesticks did not taste the same, we did not put enough cheese and huimin, if u are reading this... apparently, the bottome part of the cheesesticks still abit uncooked leh... so must put in the toaster for awhile before eating k... and the cinnamon rolls... we did not put enough sugar and cinnamon, so the rolls came out tasting like plain bread... :(
and there was sugar all over the floor... and ants came...
by the time we finished baking... both of us were exhausted and fell asleep on the sofa... haha... it was fun at the end of the day, except maybe next time we should bake in a cold room so the pastry would not start melting, be more generous with the sugar and cinnamon... it's okay, practice makes perfect...

and then at night, went to denise's 21st birthday party... did not really feel like going, but i already sort of said that i would go so... and i have not seen her for long... it was quite a happening party, got food, deejay, music, alot of pple... the sad thing was i did not know a single soul there except denise... but i have already got 'xin li zhun bei' when i decided to go... she looked really pretty in her black tube top dress...

went to cut and highlight my hair on saturday... finally my head feels much much lighter now... cos my hair's not so thick... and i got red highlights in my hair... thanks to prisy's recommendation... was supposed to go huimin's house on sunday... but it was raining so heavily the whole day that we cancelled... sorry huimin... i really wanted to go ur house...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

MEeTIng uP...

met up with siti today... she was late today cos she thought i would call her and confirm our meeting today... so while waiting, i walked ard wisma and takashimaya... alot of stuff changed... like the walkway from the mrt station to wisma is gone... got new cafes and of course, so many pple shopping and mango's having a sale so there was a huge crowd... haven't seen siti for more than 2 years... dun think she has changed much... but she said i am starting to have an accent... but i still speak singlish leh... haha... went to lido to check out the movies out and decided to watch deja vu... with denzel washington... not bad and we both agreed that he likes to act in intellectual thinking movies... like the inside man... luckily the show was good otherwise siti will kill me rite... after that, went to far east to eat lunch... walked ard for abit to look for a neoprint shop... finally found it and we took neoprints like we used to back in jc... as we were eating, we were gossiping about pple in our class and reminiscing back on the times in njc... told her to go back to nj with me when school starts... and siti... u have to bring me ard NUS okay... after that, we walked ard wisma cos she wanted to look for a bag... went to borders cos she wanted to look for books... took some photos... i really missed her... she still can make me laugh like she did in nj... thank you siti...

went to kbox with pong yesterday... so annoying that it was raining so heavily also... after it all... i still found the one at cineleisure better... but we got to sing till our hearts' content... and i made a mistake... it was not as expensive as i thought before... bcos the last time i was paying for two... and here got more songs, especially the old ones, than in big echo... haha... heard that a new one opened in marina square, so would like to go try it out someday...

oh and today is Denise's birthday!!! Happy Birthday!! also never see her for sooo long already...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

ONe WeeK hOMe...

last saturday... went to vivocity with mum and pong... really big shopping centre but the stuff are so expensive... and in my opinion, the stuff sold there are similar to the stuff sold in sydney... so pple no need to go to australia already... luckily we arrived there early and started shopping early... by the time we were about to leave... the place was sooo crowded... i got a headache just looking at the pple there...

sunday... stayed at home... watched the star awards at night... and cooked fettuccini with the sauce that i brought back for everyone... i dun think they liked it though cos they are not used to eating that i think... was very excited when star awards finally came... got to see all the mediacorp stars... too bad some of my favourite artistes did not turn up or win awards...

yesterday, went to singapore poly to have an eye examination... and the last time i went for an eye checkup according to their records was five years ago... so long already... and then after that... went to this complimentary makeover session with mum and pong... it was quite an experience... but not really a memorable one...
that's about it for now... it has been raining almost every day... so annoying... and everywhere i go, there are so many pple... pple here seriously have nothing better to do... like me... haha...

Saturday, December 09, 2006


i am finally home again... after a year away... yesterday was the first time i flew on an airplane on my own... i was a little scared initially but luckily, the flight was relatively smooth, not much turbulence and stuff... although the food served sucked... what's new... anyway, when i was already seated in the plane, this girl came up to me and asked if i could swap seats with her so that she could sit with her parents... so okay, i didn't mind cos i was sitting right at the place where the food and stuff are... so it's very noisy cos the air stewardess walking up and down and stuff... so okay, i went to that seat and when i was like seating there for like five minutes, this guy came up to me and asked if he could switch seats with me so that he could sit with his friends... i was like what the hell, do i have a sign on my forehead saying that i am free to change seats or something??? so i was like nope, i have already changed seats once and i really dun want to switch again...

anyway, after arriving home, unpacked all the stuff, showered and went to sleep around 1am and my body have not adjusted to the time here yet so i was really really tired... and then i woke up at ard 5am the next morning... annoying becos i could not get back to sleep... and pretty much stayed at home the whole of yesterday... watched tv and the videotapes that pong taped for me... everything was basically the same i guess... not many changes as yet... but it's like raining practically everyday i heard... and i feel so humid and sticky all the time... not a good feeling...

went to the hospital with my grandma today to see the doctor for checkup early in the morning... just got back and it's raining again... oh and my results are out already... did quite well in my opinion... not bad... now i am worried about my professional practice result...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


friday prisy brought back princess hours... and in my opinion... and sorry if i offend anyone, but the show is actually not as nice as i thought it would be... like i thought "it started with a kiss" was better... princess hours was funny but the prince in the show is soooo slow and boring... we had to watch the show at like fast speed... i prefer the other prince, yul... he is quite cute and prisy said he looked abit like hyun bin... i felt so sorry for him... and apparently the part 2 is coming soon but he would not be in it... oh well... i am sure he is going to get his own lead show soon... haha...

had driving lessons practically everyday now, so that i can learn as much stuff and remember them when i come back... hoping to take the test next year so that i can get my red Ps... and maybe save enough money to buy a small car???!! cross my fingers...

went out on saturday... just prisy and me hanging out before i go home on wed... went to chatswood to look for black workpants first... but they did not have any... so we just shopped around abit and caught a train to the city... when we got there, went to sussex centre to meet up with prisy's friend, wendy and we ate lunch there... and guess what i had for lunch... spicy beef... haha... no surprises there... after that, i actually wanted to go eat waffles at passionflower but after walking around at market city, i still felt full so we did not eat waffles in the end... went karaoke after... wendy and me were like singing chinese songs all the way and prisy sang english songs... after that, prisy and me walked back to chinatown to look for emu oil... finally found them at the tourist shops in chinatown... and then after that, went to wait for michelle to come pick us up cos we were meeting uncle and auntie for dinner at eastwood... it was pouring that day... both our jeans got wet and dirty... and my poor umbrella could not withstand the strong winds... had to share with prisy... and michelle was late again so we decided to go buy the "chai dao kui" for auntie... finally got to eastwood ard 8pm... ate dinner and by the time we got home, it was already almost 10pm... and guess what we did after... watch princess hours... haha... we finally finished yesterday...

Friday, December 01, 2006

6 MoRe dAyS...

haven't been doing much these past few days... just waiting for the day to come for me to go home... the only highlights currently are my driving lessons... i actually have a dilemma, cos initially yochi recommended her driving instructor to me so i booked a lesson with him on monday rite, and then prisy told me that one of her friend's dad also teaches driving... and the thing is, both of them are really nice and patient... but prisy's friend's dad charged me much cheaper... $35 so of course i decided to go with him but i just feel bad towards the other instructor... what am i going to tell him tomorrow...

up till now, during my driving lessons, i learnt the different functions in the car, how to steer, signals, unlocking the steering wheel (btw, this is damn hard!!), i also got to do abit of reversing, and driving on the main road... i think i was really scared and nervous the first day, but after that, i was better and able to drive up to 50km/h... haha... the first day i only dared to drive at 20km/h and my feet was on the brakes the whole time... pple make driving look so easy, dun they... especially turning... only when i am driving then i realised that it is not as easy as it seemed... also started to learn how to park at the kerb... this was definitely hard... required spatial judgement and logical thinking... which i dun have... but practice makes perfect!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

LEarNinG tO dRiVe...

rented ice age 2 and take the lead last week... take the lead was really nice... i actually liked all the dancing movies that i have watched and they have really cool dance moves in this movie... i heard step up was good too... shall wait for the dvd to be released... ice age 2 was not as good as the first one... what's new... all the part 2 of movies are not as nice as the original ones... and i finally watched the taiwan series 'it started with a kiss' that pong lent me... i actually saw the japanese version a long time ago on tv and i really liked it... in the taiwan version, they did not really follow the actual plot, only abit... at first i did not recognise the male lead in the show but then i finally realised that he's the gay guy from the rose, another taiwan series starring SHE... and he was really gay in that show, with long curly hair... yuck... but in this one, thankfully the producers gave him a cool hairstyle and he looked quite cool... anyway, if anyone has seen the NGs in the show, u would be shocked at how loud and scary his laugh is... thinking about the way he laughs always cracks me up... the female lead also never fails to make me laugh... the show is quite funny actually... it was actually higher than my expectations...

and finally today morning, i went for my first ever driving lesson and i sat in the driver's seat for the first time... one word to summarise the whole one hour experience... nerve-wrecking... my instructor was really nice and patient though... but i was so scared that i would knock into other cars, wreck his car, etc... and my feet was on the brakes the whole time... really very scary... and for some reason, the roads today was lined with cars on both sides... usually the roads at that time are really quiet and empty... somehow they must have known that i am learning how to drive today and everyone decided to park their cars out on the kerbs and make the roads so narrow... i actually wanted to have intensive driving lessons for this whole week but my instructor was only available next on friday, so i had to book another lesson with one of prisy's colleague's father tomorrow... and when i go back home, i won't be able to practice driving till i come back... how...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

StUcK in ThE SwEltEriNg HeAT...

these few days we are once again back into the korean wave... all thanks to prisy's workmate who lent her this korean show called spring waltz... on the whole, on my scale of 1-10, the show only rated maybe 6... nonetheless, we watched it till like 1am on sunday night, not that i got anything better to do the next day, but both prisy and michelle have to work... even auntie stayed up with us... thankfully it was a happy ending, although both the main characters had a very difficult and sad childhood... and they were really fated to be together cos they loved each other since they were little... anyway... that's about it for the weekend, besides going to work...

and then went swimming at lane cove with prisy yesterday... we were really disappointed when we found out that the olympic pool was closed and the sauna and steam were closed for maintenance... so we only could swim in the indoor pool and it was quite crowded... cos the weather was so freaking hot these past few days... reaching 38 degrees today... and me... in order to escape the heat, i went to borders hornsby to read... shopped abit, trying to look for another black workpants... and presents... did not get anything in the end... alamak... most of my friends all went back home already... and i am still here waiting to go home... was supposed to have driving lessons this friday but the driving instructor called today and postponed it to monday... dunno what to do with myself actually...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

BoN voYagE...

IT is finally over!!! the exams... all the mugging and studying and cramming and no tvs and music... second year of uni is finally over... after kinesiology yesterday, everyone was in a party mood, although now that i think abt it, i kinda miss uni already, not the school but the going to uni, attending lectures and tutorials and friends... and we won't be seeing each other till like july next year cos the whole of next semester is clinicals... and angela's changed course so she will be graduating next year...

anyway, yesterday went to mel's house to celebrate and a bon voyage gathering... she was supposed to cook nice food for us, but in the end, she did not prepare anything and we went to this other korean place to eat... the shop was really small and squeezy, and the food was not that nice... i only liked the soup and the rice cake with cheese and chilli... yochi had to work in the library so could only come later... and bcos amelia said she will drive to uni to get her but yochi was not picking up her phone, mel called the library instead and it was really funny... yochi told us later that she was so surprised to hear us calling... after that, went back to mel's house to watch movie, i brought the movie bandidas for them to watch... and we took some pictures, ate some ice cream and slowly, one by one they left... and in the end, it was only yochi, me and mel left... and mel was like saying how there was a sense of deja vu bcos we went to her house once to do the horrible kinesiology proposal... i never ever want to repeat that again... we watched stealth and both of them liked it, especially yochi who could not get over the fact that jamie foxx's character died...

and then after that, went to hornsby westfield for some retail therapy... finally bought my next in death book... using the borders voucher that michelle gave me for my birthday... and today... tidied up the room and all the notes and stuff lying around... and called the driving instructor that yochi recommended... i am going to start learning how to drive... apparently i can't use the license i have here over in singapore... cos i initially thought that i could learn driving when i am back home... back to work again this weekend... after two weeks of leave... how come learning driving is so expensive... it's like $48 an hour... suck my blood...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I WoN't FeeL bAD...

forgot to mention that i wewnt to eastwood to eat at my fav roast pork shop with amelia on wed... after body systems... haven't been there for awhile... the salt and pepper fish fillets were delicious... both of us were starving and we had to wait so long for the train... when the food finally came, we were gobbling the stuff up already... however, i must say that it was quite expensive, it might be cheaper if we had more pple, it was like $10 each... and we only had two dishes... at least the food was good...

and did something on sun which i refused to feel bad or guilty about... went out to the city to sing karaoke even though i have an exam on mon... i studied hard for the past week and i think i deserved a break... and also becos we had to go pick up my uncle and auntie from the airport... anyway... i had fun singing my heart and lungs out with prisy... we even got extra time singing becos i think they forgot abt us... and after that, we went to our favourite place to eat the spicy beef and chicken... yummy... anyway, human occupations exam yesterday was okay, hopefully i will do well cos the last time was worth 50% and i did not do quite well so i hope this one will pull my grades up... and yes!!! two more days and exams are over... everyone's telling me how they are unable to concentrate bcos they are so excited at going home... in a way, it's quite sad cos i probably won't be seeing them till like july... cos the whole of next semester we will be on clinicals... so scary... apparently we will be having our caseloads and patients... the thought of it is enough to make me sick and panic... that's when we will really find out how much i have learnt these two years... and this thursday we will be celebrating tina's birthday and a bon voyage at mel's house...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

NoThiNg mUcH...

was reading through my blog posts in november 2005... ohmigod... i actually lost my phone like almost a year ago already, but i actually felt like the thing just happened to me last week or something... the memory was so vivid still... i could still remember the panic and the tears when i realised that my phone's lost... i can't believe it's been a year already... it's just scary how time flies so quickly...

after three intense days of studying and exams... i can take a short breather cos the next paper is on friday... and that's why i can blog now, and i worked today, after one week of absence at woolies... nothing much except something's wrong with my work shoe today, my feet were hurting the whole day, dunno isit bcos my feet expanded or the shoe's getting too small for my feet...

the first paper, quantitative was quite shitty, bcos i totally did not understand one topic and so i did not study that part and of course, i could not answer any of the questions concerning that topic... was like 'tikkaming' for the last ten questions... really bad... cognition was even worse... even though i studied for it and read everything, i realised that it's one of those subjects that requires understanding the stuff, not simply memorising... i hope it will not turn out as bad as i think... today's body systems was quite okay, although we have so much to study and so little time to cram everything into my brain... and of course skipping lectures did not help... i was actually panicking yesterday when i still had so much to study and it was already so late... so i decided to go to uni and study straight through till it was time... it paid off... i hope... now i am left with three more... and then... freedom!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


this whole week i have been at home every day... alone studying... i actually enjoyed the peace around me... i can eat whenever i felt like it, relax, watch abit of tv... everything was good except of course the studying part... still trying to absorb everything and squeeze all the information into my brain... why can't my brain be a sponge or why can't i have photographic memory??? u noe how some pple just read their stuff once and they can write out or memorize everything... dun you juz hate those kind of pple??!! and the weather's been not too hot, it's actually raining now and quite cold today... no flies... yes!!

anyway, i did go for some retail therapy on thurs again... to macquarie with prisy... to develop some photos for tina, i also bought another boardshort for pong, and a blouse and trackpants for myself... hmm... been spending alot these few weeks actually... i just have this urge to buy stuff recently... must be all the stress... counting down the days when i can finally go home...and yochi's confirmed coming to visit in january... haha i am going to be her food tour guide... called home just now... alamak... my dear sister went to see the vice-principal today and was told to decided whether she is going to stay in jc or go to poly... cos of her results... headache man... and the thing is... she dunno what she wants to do in future... and she dun wanna think for herself, relying on others to tell her what to do... i just hope she will make right decision this time cos she cannot afford to waste anymore time already...

Monday, October 30, 2006

StUvaC WeekEnd...

i realised that i forgot to mention that we went to chatswood shopping on thurs... i bought a boardshort for pong and prisy got a bag and shoes... which btw, she already has alot of both... everything was going well until the time came for us to leave... okay the shopping centres here have free parking for the first 3 hours and anything after that, u have to pay... so that day, when we realised that we were about to exceed the three hour limit parking, prisy and i ran through westfield like crazy but we still ended up paying... damn...

fri night the three of us went to the city to have dinner with our uncle and his new wife, who came to sydney as part of their honeymoon stopover... they got married this year and apparently he's the first in the family to marry an 'ang moh'... he is actually my mum's cousin so that makes him my uncle??? aiyah, anyway everybody is either uncle or auntie right... haha...
yep, so firstly, prisy and i have to go to microsoft to pick up michelle, and then i had a 'wardrobe malfunction' bcos my brown velvet skirt which i was wearing kept falling down and it was so uncomfortable, so in the end, we had to detour to their auntie's house nearby to borrow a belt... alamak... i was so embarrassed... and so we were late getting my uncle and his wife, alex...
then after we got to the place where michelle had booked earlier, they told us that there was no seats available even though we booked earlier... actually i was glad that we did not eat there, cos that place was like a bar and the music was so loud and there were so many pple...
so michelle brought us to another cafe at darling harbour... the food was quite nice, i had this chicken parmigiano thing and wedges... but i should not have eaten that bcos i was having sore throat... and it's like fried stuff... and after that, we walked one round around darling harbour... his new wife is quite a nice person, i am happy for my uncle... i haven't seen my uncle since his brother's wedding like two years ago back in singapore... so anyway, glad to have this catchup time with him... we went to have dessert at passionflower after... i ate waffles and ice cream... it was delicious, but i was so bloated after that... sense of deja-vu... recalled back to the time when i brought my parents to the passionflower near chinatown... and then after that, went back to their hotel room to look at their wedding pictures... really nice...
btw, i broke my previous record of staying out till 12am... we only left their hotel ard 1230am and arrived home at like 130am... prisy and michelle are bad influences to me... michelle even suggested going karaoke after we left the hotel... i was like no... i have to work tomorrow...

and so i did not study at all... even on saturday and sunday, cos i was working... i am so screwed man... i really really have to start studying... and i am falling sick again... i seem to always fall sick during the pre- and exam period... i wonder why...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

LaSt DaY aT uNi...

today was supposed to be my last day of uni second year semester 2... but i did not go to uni today, so yesterday was officially my last day at uni... except of course the exams... so next week is stuvac and then exams and then YES!!! I am free!!! i can't wait to go home... finally...
this whole week had been shitty, bcos i had three assignments due and the worst one was definitely kinesiology... anyway, i am not going to complain anymore on that... it's over...
i also received my play exam results this week, got a credit... was abit disappointed in myself but i noe i did not do my best... was really distracted most of the time while studying for it...
and i just deleted my tag-board, bcos it's really annoying and i noe a few of us (yes, fran, i saw ur blog too :)) also did the same thing and sherry advised me to get a new tag-board... i will put a new one up after exams k... just upset that all the past comments are gone... all bcos of the stupid tagboard that kept prompting for password...
also saw jo's 21st birthday photos... was abit envious of her actually... everything was so nice and alot of pple went to her party... i will NOT complain anymore after this... my parents came after all... and i enjoyed myself at the party and the "after party"...
and i am all alone at home for the whole of next week including today... bcos uncle and auntie went back to singapore and both my cuzzies are at work... and i am supposed to study... i have 6 exams this semester... but here i am blogging, reading other's blogs, doing things other than study... what's new... haha... i dunno why my hair's not growing longer, it's just growing thicker... which is not what i want!!! it looks really gross if i dun tie it up now... alamak...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A ReAlly lOng bLoG...

friday... went to mel's house after uni to do the kinesiology proposal... and after yochi left, i had to stay at her house becos prisy was meeting her friends for dinner at strathfield so we thought we'll go home together... so we went to eat dinner at this dessert place... mel ordered this korean- style ice kachang thing and i ordered ice cream... very unhealthy for dinner but there was no other proper food in that place and there was no other places that we could eat at... we just chatted alittle while eating and then on the way back to her house... i saw prisy and her friends... it was so weird... becos i was like saying to mel before that i will probably see prisy and we really bumped into them outside ceci... haha... so after we walked back to her house, we watched fools rush in... the movie was okay, not that great and it was quite old already...
did i also mention that we went to rent poseidon, the da vinci code and eight below?? poseidon was like quite dramatic at first but the ending was quite anti-climax... da vinci code was quite scary becos of the white guy, but becos i am not a really religious person... i did not get some of the stuff in the show, but it was okay overall, was quite disappointed in poseidon... got josh lucas... but the storyline was not that great...
btw, when we were in the city last tues, we bought this really nice wooden japanese photo album like gift for tina's birthday... dunno if i have got a picture of it but it's really nice, it can even rotate... and we actually thought of getting it for amelia this year... and amelia and me were like saying how we actually should buy for each of us the same thing so we would all have it... i dun mind having one too...

and then saturday night we watched devil wears prada... everyone i know who have seen it said it was quite good and i think i now know why... especially for the girls... cos of the clothes in the show isn't it??? haha... prisy was like wooing and waaing over the clothes... but if i had a boss like meryl streep in the show, i would probably kill myself or grow white hair within two days... haha... i am glad the ending turned out like it is... although anne hathaway could have told her boyfriend that she slept with that guy... and her character's name is also andrea... haha...

working over the weekend again... so nothing much happened... came home to watch bourne supremacy... i knew i have seen it before, but i just could not remember the ending... but after watching it, i finally realised why... bcos the ending was so anti-climax that i forgot abt it until i watched it again... but i still like the first one better... why did they have to kill off the female character?? i felt so sad for him...

mon... stayed at uni till 8pm trying to finish the stupid kinesiology... and the thing is it's only worth 30% but the amount of time we spent doing it is way over the marks that we'll get... i dun even remember spending this much effort and time and blood (haha) on my GCE O levels and A Levels or any other assignments... and i am so sick of kinesiology now that i dun even wanna look at it... the only time i have stayed so late in school was last year doing some project with amelia and karen... sense of deja-vu... and it was winter that time, so we were freezing at the busstop while waiting for the free bus... yesterday was also similar, except that it was later and was not as cold... and then bcos micheele had to take the car into the city to get prisy, i had no way of getting home except to wait at amelia's place... so the three of us took the train home and at strathfield... while waiting for the train... we played bingo... haha... we also decided that bingo would be our official waiting-for-the-train game... and when we arrived at her house, amelia was really nice enough to give yochi and me a lift home first...

btw, something's really wrong with my blog... the tag-board's gone and is replaced by this really annoying thing that asks for my password everytime i go into the blog... does anyone know what's going on???

Sunday, October 22, 2006

SHiTty WeeK...

this whole week could be summarized in one word... shitty... why??? bcos of the sickening kinesiology proposal... i dun think i have ever spent so much time and effort on one assignment... it was actually due this monday but it was pushed back to wednesday... thank god... the thing was we just can't seem to find any information on the muscle that we are looking at... we searched everywhere... books, journal articles and on the internet... nothing and we wasted so much time just looking for stuff... and we have to write so much stuff... and the thing now is our modified posture is wrong so we had to remeasure and take pictures again on monday... and in order to do that... yochi and me have to skip lectures becos we had to go to her auntie's workplace... all of us are just so sick of this proposal now... we just want to quickly get it over and done with cos we still have COP proposal and portfolio due next week also... and we also had to stay at uni till late on thurs and friday trying to complete the proposal... it's just really horrible... i will be glad when stuvac finally comes in another week...
i feel like i haven't got a chance to rest and recharge myself... and i will be working over the weekend also... just very tired of everything... both mentally and physically...

on a happier note... we went karaoke on tuesday after uni... got to sing my new songs and also got to eat at my fav place... but instead of eating the spicy beef, i decided to try the korean spicy chicken... and it turned out to be quite nice... yummy... and then on thurs... we stayed back late at uni right... and when i was on my way home... prisy called and told me that michelle wanted to go to this westfield in miranda, which was all the way south... we live in the north btw... becos apparently that westfield has the only charles and keith store in all of australia... and she wanted to go check out this particular shoe... i didn't want to go becos i was already really tired and hungry and the drive was long... like it took us about an hour to drive there... by the time we arrived, it was almost closing time... and while they were trying on shoes, i went to eat... i could not wait any longer... i was really starving... so after that, on the drive back, we stopped by at this small lebanese bread shop and bought the bread there and ate... they were actually quite nice, especially the cheese ones... and becos they made it fresh, we stood outside the shop waiting quite awhile and just ate in the car... it was like 11pm by the time we got home... really tired...

Monday, October 16, 2006

FRidAy niGhT oUt...

Last friday was prisy's cousins gathering to celebrate her birthday... so we all went to her cousin's sander's house for dinner... they ordered thai food, which i did not really like and michelle made alcoholic drinks, which i did not drink... being a good girl... did not want to go to the gathering initially... bcos i dun really know them also and we were definitely going to stay late... which we did... we only left their house ard 1230am... i was ready to fall asleep already...

after dinner, we ate cake which auntie baked and sat ard talking... and after that, one of their cousins brought this karaoke set... so we all sat ard the living room taking turns to sing... we only had one microphone though... the songs they had were like really old... i dun even recognise most of the songs they were singing... i was like saying how the songs were not from my era man... haha... and then pple started wandering off to do their own things... and left me, michelle, prisy and her two cousins... they were really funny, cos the karaoke set has scores and apparently the lower tune you sang, the higher score you'll get, so they were trying to sing the songs as low as possible, which was not difficult for them becos they were guys... duh... so they were like getting high scores... but i beat their scores when i sang Right here waiting... one of my alltime favourites... and then becos sander's kids were sleeping already so we had to sing softly right but after awhile, we started to sing and talk loudly again... and myat had to come out and lower the volume of the microphone until it was so soft that u might as well not use the mike and just sing... and it was so hilarious when it was ngyan's turn cos he was practically just talking into the mike... michelle and i was laughing the whole time... and he actually got a high score just from talking instead of singing to the lyrics... really hilarious... anyway... i quite enjoyed myself there even though sometimes i felt out of place...

it is good that they maintained such a good relationship and try to meet up whenever they can... like me... i am not close to my cousins... except prisy and michelle... we only see each other like twice a year back in s'pore... quite sad... it is really bad... i would not be surprised if i could not recognise them if i passed them on the streets... that's how bad it is...

and yesterday at work... i found out that our head supervisor rachael just resigned... no wonder i have not seen her for the past 3 weeks... shit... she has yet to approve my leave application... and few other pple also left... and more and more new faces started appearing... i dun like them... and it was freaking hot again yesterday... like 37 degrees outside... but even though i was in woolies, it was so stuffy and hot inside too...

Friday, October 13, 2006

My wEEk 11... hOw WaS UrS??...

it's the end of another week of uni... this week being more stressful than the others... because the placement project was due this friday and I had to do a literature review of 10 or more articles related to my topic on cognitive assessments for stroke patients... anyway... I only managed to do 14 articles and personally speaking, I did not put in as much effort as I should to do it... I just want to quickly get that over and done with so that I can focus on other stuff... haven't really had a break since last fri's HO exam... and what's worse... is i have to print out ALL the journal articles too... do u know how much money i spent printing all those stuff??? suck my blood man...

anyway... last saturday was prisy's birthday bowling with her workmates and michelle and me tagged along... it was held at this bowling place in castle hill... my first time bowling since i came here... that place was actually quite ulu... inconvenient to get to cos there is no public transport whatsoever... and about maybe 15 of her colleagues turned up so we split into 4 teams and started bowling... and i must also add that bowling here is also damn expensive... i paid $20 for 2 games and a meal... alamak... the bottomline is everything here is damn expensive...
i had fun... although i sucked at bowling... even when i went with crescent gang to bowl also... haha... but i had two good teachers in my team teaching me how to bowl and i improved in the second game... and it was so freaking hot on that day too... we all didn't want to go out of the house... so in the end stayed at home and watch movies... watched Eight Below... i highly recommend this movie if u are a dog person like me... the huskies in the show are so cute and well trained... very touching movie... and also got paul walker... definitely are incentives to watch the movie...

had cognition presentation today also... i think we went well... our topic was fetal alcohol syndrome... but i think the other group who presented ADHD did better and they only had 2 pple... oh well... it's over... and i got back my health policy essay this week too... not back marks... quite happy with the marks... but apparently karen got into trouble cos they suspected her of plagiarism... so she had to redo the paper and she was really upset... anyway... that's abt it... and it was so freaking hot again today and the flies are starting to come out again... aarghh... i hate it...

btw, something's wrong with my tagboard... and i can't open my blog on my laptop cos it kept skipping to the page that says 'we can't find ur tagboard address??" what's going on??!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

LonG, LoNGEr, and loNgEsT...

this week was really stressed for me... becos of human occupations exam yesterday... worth 50%... it was really difficult for me... cos we had to memorise the case studies and be familiar with them... and i could not really concentrate during studying... cos i was hooked onto this really funny hongkong cooking show called Beautiful Cooking... really funny... seeing the actresses cook and some of them are really hilarious, because they never cook before and one even set the wok on fire... and the judges were also really hilarious... anyway... yeah now that human occupations exam is over, next up is the project for the placement... really annoying, becos mine is a literature review of like 20 articles... and i have to print all of them out and send them to nepean hospital... waste my money... i doubt they will even read them...
final exams timetable just came out... shit man... this semester is really bad... the first week is like one exam every day... and i have like 6 papers altogether... why...

nothing much happening... just can't wait to go back and that's like my motivation to quickly study and get over it and look forward to going home... and i have decided to keep my hair long... yes... i have never had long hair in my life so i am going to try keeping it and see how it goes... now my hair is still shoulder length but can tie up already... but it's really bad if i dun tie it up... look so messy and make my neck itchy... let's just wait and see how long i can stand it before my succumb to cutting my hair again... cos pong said i dun look nice with my hair tied up... :(

Monday, October 02, 2006

BaCK tO uNi... :(

THis weekend is a long weekend... bcos apparently tomorrow is a public holiday... Labour Day... and i am working... for once... working is good, bcos i get double rate pay... even though my arms and legs are aching and in pain... been working throughout the weekend... have to earn and save money becos i am planning to take driving lessons after exams and one hour of lesson is like $40??? suck my blood man... and also becos when i go back to singapore... won't be working for like 3 months... so now must earn as much money as i can... hmm... there's alot of new faces in the store now... i guess i am just not used to it... cos it's been so long since we had new pple coming in... and now suddenly so many new faces ard... so like i am considered one of the "older" pple in the store... in terms of the time we worked in the store since it opened...

last friday... invited yochi and amelia over to do baking... they made the cheesesticks while i made the caramel brownie... in my opinion, both were a disaster... firstly, they put too much pepper in the cheesesticks and for some reason, the cheesesticks did not rise... all of them came out flat... dunno what happened also... and then the brownie... after i added and stirred everything and put the tray into the oven... yochi picked up this packet and asked me how come the caramel's still unopened... i did not even realise there was no caramel in the brownie when it was supposed to be caramel brownie... haha... so i had to take the brownie mix out of the oven and pour the caramel on top... and again... for some reason... the brownie came out all mushy and sticky... stuck to the paper cos i could not find grease paper, so i just used some paper thing and sprayed oil on it... obviously it did not work... alamak... and cheesesticks and brownies were supposed to be my specialty... yeah... watched Love Actually as we ate our fruits of labour...

this week... two of my close friends turning 21... yay... so happy 21st Jo and Angie!!! u guys finally joined the "mature adults" club... haha... enjoy urselves... and Jo i hoped u received my letter...

and it's back to uni again... so not looking forward to going back... so many assignments and presentations... and exams... this semester is sooo hard... and they are going to base the honours selection on our results this year... stress ah...

Friday, September 29, 2006


yesterday went to the city for karaoke with huilin, sally, xueting and a few of sally's other friends... but u now what... they made me wait for them for like 40 mins... standing stupidly outside woolies for so long... i was so pissed... i never ever wait for anybody for so long man... stupid pple... and then when they finally arrived... i was of course pissed already and then we realised that the karaoke place does not open till 1pm... so we had to stand outside and wait for another 15 mins... huhh... annoying...

so the five of us started to sing first cos sally's friends were coming later... and then huilin told me that they were all guys... i was like shit... i dun like singing in front of strangers leh... okay... and then when we all started to put in our songs... one of her friends whipped out these two lists of songs that she wrote down of all the songs that she was planning to sing... haha... funny, cannot blame... she's also a singaporean... kiasuism... i had to leave early cos i had to work last night... but they all stayed till 9pm... can u believe it??? they are also hardcore karaoke fans like me... sing from 1-9pm... i would have stayed if i could...

anyway, before meeting up with them, i went early to buy prisy's present... not really a present... it's like this westfield gift card where i just put in a certain amt of money and she can use the money to buy whatever she wants in westfield... i thought that was a brilliant idea cos i have no idea what to give her so might as well just give her this and she can use it to buy things she like... anyway... happy 21st birthday prisy!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


After drinking lots and lots of water... I have finally recovered... thank God... i was so miserable the whole week... kept coughing and dun feel like talking bcos of the sore throat... and also cannot eat alot of my fav foods... anyway...

i am on a one-week break now... which also is not really a break bcos i have tons of stuff to do and human occupations exam next friday... just thinking of all the assignments and presentations that i have is enough to cause me to start panicking... last year this time... still remembered i was at the arthritis camp... i still can remember clearly what happened at the camp... more bad than good actually... maybe cos i am not used to taking care of so many kids at once and they are all so grown-up, not really kids already and they have their own thinking and ways of doing things... and they dun really want to listen to a stranger telling them what to do...

so... what have i been up to... nothing much... prisy got me hooked to another japanese anime show called Full Metal Alchemist... really long show again... but after watching it... it's really a good show... especially the relationship between the two brothers and the stuff that they had to go through... sometimes the show is really sad but it's got substance... not like some anime where you just watch and get nothing out of it... it's abt this two brothers whose mum passed away and they tried to use alchemy to resurrect her... but in alchemy, it is a taboo to use alchemy to resurrect humans so obviously bad things happened to both of them... the older brother lost an arm and leg and the younger brother lost his body and his soul is stuck in an armour... and the whole show is on how they go on a journey to find something called the philosopher's stone in order to restore them back to their original bodies...

that's abt it... and i gave up going to jolin tsai's concert on october 13 here in sydney... really wanted to go initially also because guess who her special guest is.... Jerry Yan!!! sigh... but it's too expensive and i already spent money to buy my airfares back... so decided to save money...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SiCK & FeELinG crAPpy...

poor andrea has been sick since friday... friday was the worst... felt shitty after coming back from uni... and then went to bed early cos i was having fever and my whole body felt so hot and weak... and the sore throat was killing me... drank alot of water too... but nothing seemed to be working... was actually my fault... ate almost the whole packet of cheese doritoes on thurs... and then had to work during the weekend... i almost wanted to stop working halfway on sunday... cos i was coughing and feeling crappy... and now... although the sore throat's not as bad as on friday, but i am having a cold now... i can't breathe...

went to see the doctor today and the whole consultation lasted only five mins... the doctor just asked me what's wrong, looked at my throat and checked my ear and that's it... just told me to go to the pharmacy to get some cough medicine and some throat spray... alamak, that did not help at all and i forgot to ask for some antibiotics... and i had to go all the way to the main campus in the city... waste my time and money... so after seeing the doctor, i decided to visit my favourite bookstores... kinokuniya and borders... sat there the whole afternoon reading... michelle gave me a $20 gift card from borders fro my bdae present, so i thought i would use the money to buy the next book in my in death series... unfortunately, borders did not have the book yet...

today called the hospital where i went for my placement and found out that my supervisor was not working there anymore... shit man... no wonder she did not return my email... cos we still have to submit a project thing to them in october... how...
the week has been crappy so far since friday, nothing's going well... next week is the one week mid-semester break... mixed feelings... the good thing is of course dun have to go uni but also got a pile of assignments and presentations waiting for me on the table... and exam's coming soon...
how to do anything when my nose is blocked and i can't breathe??!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

DAe JaNg-gEum...

got hooked again by a korean series recently... like seriously, these stuff are so addictive and harmful to me... once i started to watch, i can't stop and kept thinking abt it day and night, even in my dreams, i dream abt the show... the name of the show is called Jewel in the Palace (Dae Jang-geum), it is actually based on a true story... abt the first Korean female royal physician... the show is sooo long... like 70 episodes, the story is abt her journey when she was a child till she became the royal physician in the imperial court... we did not even start watching from the beginning, we started in the middle and the funny thing was... u noe how my uncle does not even speak or watch chinese shows rite, he also got hooked onto the show... and last sat night, all of us watched till 3am... how bad is that... this is all my sister's fault... always giving these shows to me...

sigh... and my assignments are all piling up again... health policy essay is due next week and i dun noe how to do the last 2 questions... who can help me... anyway, like in the show... she was actually sent to the palace to be a palace maid since she was 8 and she is really good at cooking... and then alot of things happened... and the show is really sad, bcos her whole life is like this tragedy... everybody ard her is always thinking of ways to plot against her and they are also jealous of her... and then she got exiled out of the palace, and then she learnt medical skills and she also became a really good doctor... anyway, i am just amazed that such a talented person actually existed in history... even though she faced alot of obstacles and believe me... there was like an obstacle in everything she did... but she still persevered and held on to her beliefs...
if u haven't watched it, you must watch it when u have time... it's a really good show... the only thing is it's too long and very slow-moving...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

StRiNG oF unForTunAte evENtS...

last week was a sad week for australia... firstly, the world-renowned steve irwin, the crocodile hunter died due to a stingray attack and then on fri... a famous racing legend peter brock died while racing when his car crashed into a tree... and then today, is the september 11... 9/11... a date that almost everybody in the world knows...

it has been five years since the twin towers of the World TRade Centre was destroyed... but i still remembered the first time when i heard the news... was in sec 4 at crescent and it was in the morning, when i walked into the classroom and fran and sherry were like... a plane crashed into the world trade centre??!!... the first thought that came into my mind was the world trade centre, now called something else (i can't remember) in singapore... and then i later realised that they were talking abt the ones in new york... the next few days... all news reports were on the terrorist attacks on the world trade towers and scenes of pple running, screaming, bloodied and of course the most horrifying pictures were of people plunging down from thousands of floors up to escape the burning furnace...
i still remembered feeling really sad and horrified and a kind of surreal feeling that this kind of thing really happened in modern day... cos you only watch this kind of thing in movies... like the movie independence day... but to see and know it's really happening now is kind of scary... and having the feeling of thank god i was not there...

i guess i just want to say that so many things are happening ard us and we are all so engrossed with what's happening to us that we sometimes forget that there is a much bigger thing going on out there in the world and that sometimes... life is unpredictable... we never know what will happen to us tomorrow... treasure everything and everyone ard us cos u never noe when that something or someone might just disappear...

Friday, September 08, 2006

GrOSseD oUt...

these few days, despite a pile of readings waiting for me to go through and assignments deadlines near, i still continued watching korean shows... this time, it's not a series but 2 movies which we bought from the eastwood shop... the first one is called My Girl and I... starring Song Hae Gyo and the guy from My Sassy Girl... the one with the ultra sucker and moronic look... the show was quite cute and touching, but it moved too slow for my liking... and can somebody pls enlighten me why ALL korean movies insist on the female character dying of some sort of fatal disease at the end??? i mean, the plots are all so predictable... both movies were sad endings as you have guessed... I preferred the other movie though... although prisy said that i was just biased towards hyun bin... haha... it's true... the other movie was his first movie called Millionaire's first love... it's quite nice and touching also... and the female lead is so cute... and she's so young... anyway... i definitely recommend both shows... must watch!!! may i just add that his hairstyle in the movie was not as cool as that in kim sam soon... and for once, i would like to see him acting poor...

so happy i have a day off tomorrow... felt like i really needed a break... have been going to uni from mon-fri and then sat and sun working... i had no time for myself, to do stuff that i like...
just came back from dinner with the gang... all of us went except tina and mel... went to this korean bbq place in belfield... abit like seoul garden... but this is of course more authentic korean style... the food was nice, ate till i was so full... although i have learnt my lesson already, i will never eat till i vomit again... and it was raining and so cold today, so i thought it was a good idea that we ate bbq today... the only thing was the cost... very expensive... once in a while is fine, but not good to eat those stuff often... and also another thing was... since coming over here... i have learnt to eat beef and pork, cos i never eat those back in s'pore... and i really love the spicy beef in the city rite... but today, at the korean bbq place, i saw how the raw beef and pork and the blood... i was kind of grossed out actually... i did not even realise the red liquid was blood until they told me... i thought it was just the seasoning or flavour that they added... now i dun noe if i can ever eat beef without thinking of it soaking in blood... yuck...

went to work on wed... as usual... but mon was the first day we changed the registers to the touch screens kind... it's actually faster than the manual ones... cos we dun have to memorise the codes of the fruits and vegs... they have pictures and all u have to do is know whether they are fruit or veg... wed was my first attempt at the registers and so far, there were no drawbacks but we'll see...

Monday, September 04, 2006

A fRiGhT...

after my parents went back on thurs... my life went back to its routine... went to uni on fri for body systems mid semester exam... the questions were quite okay, i actually studied the stuff before, so i guess i got the advantage... but i got the question on ideal gases wrong... my physics seriously suck man...

work... was okay, worked on both sat and sun... however, today when i am almost finishing my shift at ard 9pm... i was cleaning at the registers and i suddenly heard yelling... so i looked up and saw this guy running away and my supervisor and the duty manager was yelling and giving chase... i dun know if he stole stuff or what, and then his companions who were still in the store started yelling bcos the store manager would not let them go... and he was like yelling and banging stuff... and thank god there were the shelvers ard... cos normally it would be mostly females at the checkouts and the supervisors are also females... and then i heard alot of yelling at the entrance... dun even noe what was going on but then, the other staff in the store started to run outside... i was so afraid that there would be a fight or something, or they start whipping out knives or something... really scary... all of us at the checkouts also got a fright man... and especially since tomorrow onwards, the store will be changing the checkouts to the touch-screens one... sigh... the plce where i work is really not safe... this is the second time something similar happened... after that, i quickly signed off and went straight home... dun even want to remain there for another second...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

see no evil, say no evil and hear no evil... haha...

Our masks... i looked scary in that mask... and also btw, i did not make it, i borrowed it... haha...

At my 21st Birthday Party...

A LEssoN leArNt...

btw, before i start on my blog... my parents went back yesterday... went to the airport to send them off... i was sad that they are leaving so soon but i managed not to cry... i even got myself a pair of brown leather gloves at one of the duty-free shops... i kept telling myself that i would be able to go back in another 3 months' time...

mon... "ponned" uni to accompany my parents to hornsby westfield... shopping... my normally thrifty mum actually spent so much money on clothes for my sister... she actually bought blouses that costed like $30 each... and after that... went for lunch at the foodcourt, got to eat my fav macdonalds and my pretzels... both of which i haven't eaten for a long time... that's about it for my monday... bought alot of clothes... and i bought another photo album for myself, this time a bigger one bcos my small one is running out...

tues... went to uni for the health policy lecture and to see my area coordinator regarding the documentation exam... i got 'pending' for the exam... alot of my friends failed the paper, even yochi, whose dictionary does not have the word fail... i was so surprised that she failed the exam... and it's really ridculous cos they focused more on our grammar, spelling, general language stuff more... and i got pending not bcos my language was bad, but bcos i wrote down the wrong info and did not identify the 4 correct problem areas for the client... and it's stupid, bcos we had to watch the initial interview video which has really bad sound quality and i could not even hear what the "client" was saying... anyway, after seeing the coordinator... i just have to rewrite the 4 problem areas and she will pass me...

after the lecture, went to the city to meet up with my parents... went to eat at my fav spicy beef place of course... dun think they liked the food though... still preferred chinese food i think... and then after, despite knowing that we would be eating dinner out with auntie and family to celebrate father's day and my papa's bdae... i still decided to go eat at this dessert place called passionflower... actually it was prisy and michelle who recommended that place cos i said i wanted to eat waffles... but when i arrived there, i saw the menu and found this icecream and brownie dessert and i had to have it... so the three of us shared one dessert... really nice but i was so full after eating it and i knew i was in trouble bcos i definitely cannot eat anymore...
of course, later that night, when we met up for dinner at this malaysian-chinese restaurant, i was still so full but i did not want to tell them that we went to eat earlier already... so i had no choice but to try and eat some... the food was horrible, the only nice dish that i liked was the roasted chicken... even the fish was bad...
anyway, NEVER EVER eat so much till u are so full till u can't breathe like i did... bcos after i came home, my stomach was really painful and it felt like the food was all stuck in there and could not digest, i was really miserable... so in the end, i ate Norit and vomited... it was BAD...
never again... i have learnt my lesson... i just couldn't resist when i saw the icecream with brownie thing...

Friday, September 01, 2006

MY 21st paRtY...

Finally!!! after all the preparations, my PARTY's here... haha...
woke up early in the morning... still thinking of words for my charade game... aiyo, think until my brain going to explode... why so hard one???!!! and then ard 12noon, disaster number 1: the electricity suddenly went off, THERE WAS NO ELECTRICITY!!! when my party's about to start at 2pm, how are we going to prepare and cook all the food?!! just my luck... and disaster number 2: the blouse that i was going to wear at the party ripped along the top... ohmigod... shit lah... bad things kept happening and my party's abt to start... so we had to wait for the electricity to come back on then we could start frying the noodles, cooking the curry and baking the cheesesticks and brownie... thankfully, it came back ard 1pm and we started to prepare all the food... thank god michelle's bf came early to help out... thanks alot michelle, toufic and steve, who was the first guest to arrive... he was roped in to bake the cheesesticks and brownie... i did not help much cos i was busy getting ready and then my friends arrived...

amelia and yochi came first, bearing my presents... they all shared and got me the ralph lauren's cool perfume and a beanie... okay, i really appreciate it and not trying to be ungrateful or anything, but they bought the wrong one, i actually wanted the ralph lauren's ralph... oh well... i will think of something... thanks everyone... :)
after that, huilin called and told me that there were no trains coming to pennant hills cos there was track work going on... so both she and mel had to catch the bus... so amelia was nice enough to drive to the pennant hills and epping stations to pick them up... and while on our way out, anna and her son justine, karen and her sister, and tina came... yay!!!
so after picking mel and huilin up, we drove back home and my party's officially started... food was of course served... the cheese sticks were a definite hit with everyone... it's easy to make and delicious... oh did i mention that i purposely told everyone that the dress code was either a skirt or dress and they had to make their own masks?? why?? bcos one of the games in the party was twister!!! haha...
first up, twister... everyone realised the reason behind the dress code when i told them we were playing twister... it was hilarious... everyone's trying to play the game without showing their unmentionables/ "zao gen"... i really sucked at the game... i am so not flexible, i was out of the game within the first five mins... huilin and karen were really good though... all of us were laughing maniacally at their comical poses...

after that, was charade... i think the questions were too easy especially the animals category... they guessed the answers so fast... steve was so funny... i cracked up whenever he's doing the charade... after that, it was dinnertime... there were fried noodles, which turned out to be too little cos not everyone got to eat the noodles, i did not even get to eat it... curry, samosas, spring rolls, salad... everyone gave good comments on the food, thanks to auntie...
bcos prisy had to work that day, we had to wait for her to come back to play the trivia game... so we played the 'handbag' game... where there is a list of items that i would call out and everyone had to dig into their handbags for those items if they had them...

the initial plan was to watch a movie while eating dinner, but we started later than expected so we just skipped the movie and just sat ard and ate... anna's son justine was so cute, he was running ard and playing with toufic and steve... it got to a point when he spitted a mouthful of milk on steve... anna was so mad at him... and i think she did not get to enjoy the party as much bcos justine was throwing tantrums during the party...

finally... prisy's back... trivia time... we were divided into 2 groups and given trivia questions to be completed within a certain time period... the questions were so difficult, but i really have to thank michelle for putting in so much effort into thinking up questions for the game... she borrowed this trivia book from her friend which is really cool... it's got like alot of general knowledge questions and different levels... anyway, the worst one was the one on harry potter... NOBODY in my team watched harry potter except me... so i was the only one left to answer the questions... and i became so frustrated when i couldn't remember the name of the four houses... and no one on my team could help me... and of course the other team won bcos prisy's like the queen of tv and movie trivia, she can actually watch the show and then tell you what other movies that particular actor was in... and of course steve is like the walking encyclopedia...

anyway... it was all really fun and everyone had fun too... finally it was cake time... i did not actually buy a cake, i bought 2 slabs of ice-cream-like dessert instead... everyone also liked it alot and we also had brownies... had alot of fun on that day... once again... i want to thank everyone who came to the party, and pple behind the scenes...

and also piyo, who gave me my first 21st bdae present... received the presents from huimin, fran, jo and sherry, thank you... and well wishes from mel, siti, and zhenzhen... final sentence of this really long post...
i can't believe i am 21 already...

SuNdaY At thE RoCKs...

the third day of my parents' visit... btw, i forgot to add that the biggest present that i received was both my parents came to sydney to visit me...

huilin stayed over at our house after the party, and she helped out with the cleaning up and stuff, thanks... she gave me this cute soft toy and coin purse and korean food... the next day... she had to catch the bus back again bcos the track work's still going on... i felt really bad... after she left, prisy and michelle and my parents and i went to the city...

we parked at central and walked from market city to darling harbour... thank god the weather was not that hot and not raining... took pics along the way and finally stopped at this restaurant along darling harbour for our lunch... the place was obviously expensive... anything in darling harbour is expensive... anyway, the bottom line was i did not like the fish that i ordered... it was too fishy and it was not that nice... i personally think that we should just have gone to my fav spicy beef place at sussex centre... after that, we slowly made our way to The Rocks... it's more like a tourist place where the whole stretch of street was filled with small stalls selling their products... similar to clarke quay... i also have not been there before, and it was like a half an hour walk there...
some stalls that caught my attention was the one where this guy used spray paints to create space arts and it's really nice and looked real too... why are some pple so creative and some pple like me are not?? he's a really talented guy... wished i could have taken pics... another stall was one that sold lamps that were made up of paper which could be folded into each other... sort of like origami... really nice but also very expensive... we actually met karen there... with her sister and her friend... what a coincidence... spent quite awhile there, just browsing the stalls... bought the chocolate fudges that were sold at one of the stalls there...

after that, we began our long walk back to the car... stopped to use the toilet in the four seasons hotel... it's so nice and clean, but not as nice as the hotels in singapore of course... the ones in singapore are so clean and nice that i can even sleep inside... haha... and michelle ate the corn there even though she can't eat bcos of her braces, in the end, the corn got all stuck in her braces... it was disgusting... she still kept going ard and showing off her "corny" smile... haha...
by the time we arrived at pitt street, i was exhausted already, they still wanted to walk some more ard the shopping centres... no more walking please, i will just sit here and wait for u guys...

met up with auntie and uncle at eastwood for dinner at our fav bbq pork stall... bcos the stall was very small and we had so many pple, we had to wait for half an hour... so prisy and i detoured to the dvd rental store in the mall... and came out with two korean movies... the one with hyun bin... Millionaire's first love and the new movie by Song Hae Gyo... came home and watched Fearless and ate waffles with ice cream for dessert... i was so full...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

PaReNts' ViSiT daY 1...

this week was quite busy for me... cos my parents came to visit me for a week... on thurs we went to the airport to pick them up... my mum bought back alot of stuff... my calbee chips, sambal chilli, and she even managed to smuggle in chee cheong fun??!!

on fri... i had a tutorial so i brought my parents with me to uni... showed them ard my dilapidated uni campus, of course cannot compare even to the primary schools in singapore now... and i heard that the lidcombe campus where i am at now is going to be moved to the main campus in the city after i have graduated... so the health sciences campus in future would be in the city... and after i finished my tutorial, we went shopping at parramatta... did not buy anything though... just shopped ard and ate that sweet and sour fish again at the foodcourt... and then we went to max brenner to eat... finally!! whoa... ordered brownie, the melting chocolate where they have a special metal spoon where u can also drink from... so sweet... the stuff are too sweet for me... and for me to say that... u noe it's really sweet, i got a headache after eating that... wanted to bring my parents to visit my workplace after, but they called me and asked if i could work and bcos i didn't want to work, i said no and so we did not go there in the end... and at night, after dinner, we watched blade trinity... did not really like the show, super corny... and i was so sleepy that i went to sleep first halfway thru the show... have to prepare for my party the next day... okay, will write a new blog on my party...

Thursday, August 24, 2006


this week was supposed to be an exciting week... but nothing really exciting happened yet... uni was as usual boring... handed in our kinesiology proposal after changing the topic three times, cos firstly, we found out that we were not supposed to do anything within the campus, it must be an actual workplace scenario and real workers... so we decided to observe one of the cashiers at woolies where i worked rite... but then apparently, woolies has a policy against pple taking any pics inside the store... so we had to change the task again, and finally decided on doing yochi's aunt lifting a box from the ground...

preparations for the party this sat is still ongoing, the food's almost done, now i have to organise my games and the times... and i had to shift my party earlier cos amelia and karen have to leave early... and another problem came up recently and i did not even realise it at the beginning until prisy reminded me... how am i going to wear a mask with my spectacles??!!... so now, i have to make do with a hairband or something... otherwise i won't be able to see anything... and so "suay" this whole weekend is going to be raining... alamak... how to bring my parents out??!! why can't be sunny like these past few days... it was like summertime these few days... everyone at uni especially the aussies were all sitting on the grass suntanning...

mon received my first birthday present... from dearest piyo... thanks alot... she gave me a packet of green curry and a gold heart-shape necklace... although i have no idea why she thought i liked green curry??!! it's the thought that counts rite... and i felt so bad bcos i did not give her anything on her bdae... went to fran's blog yesterday and read that fran and huimin went ard orchard to find me a present... so touched... thought they forgot all abt me already... thank you guys... maybe when i go back at the end of the year, we can hold another party again... "cross my fingers"
the day i have been waiting for has finally arrived...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

this week was quite happening for me...
mon... went to karaoke with amelia and karen, and i also got to eat my fav spicy beef at sussex centre... yum yum... had trouble looking for parking spot cos amelia drove that day... told her not to drive already... but she did not listen to me... so precious time was wasted and we only got to sing at ard 330pm... they did not have some of the songs that i wanted to sing... like elva hsiao's ta he ta, and my lian ai ping lu was so fast, i could not catch up with the song...

okay... something funny but at the same time embarrassing happened on thurs... i was doing my quantitative tutorial in the computer lab rite, and this aussie girl who's also in OT was sitting beside me, and i turned on my lian ai ping lu to listen on my earphones rite, and then i didn't know that it was actually blasting quite loudly thru the speakers on the computer... until my friend who's sitting on the other side of me told me... and before that, i was wondering where that aussie girl who's sitting next to me went rite, and after realising that my chinese song was playing quite loudly thru the speakers, i quickly turned off the music and i felt so paiseh... the girl was sitting at the other side... alamak... they must be wondering why i so inconsiderate and playing chinese song somemore... i really didn't realise...

and went out on fri with huilin to parramatta, apparently, it has the largest westfield in nsw... wow... it was actually newly renovated and got many new shops now... we did not finish walking also... not enough time cos we only arrived there ard 2pm and we ate lunch first... huilin also introduced me to this chinese stall in the food court where you can scoop as much food as want onto ur plate for $8... and she said to try the sweet and sour fish they had... it was really nice, crispy and warm... i must bring my parents there when they come next week... ok... so we shared one plate and heaped one whole pile of food onto it... oh man... it was like rojak... mixture of everything... both of us ate till 'jing jing you wei'...
and then the initial plan was to shop for abit and go and eat max brenner as a dessert rite... yup, they have a max brenner there... my first time eating max brenner was when i went back last year, melissa brought me to esplanade there and eat... i ordered the waffles one and didn't like it and it's also expensive... so my impression of max brenner is not very good... dunno what all the hype abt it is... ok so anyway, in the end, did not get to eat bcos by the time we finished shopping ard, there was not enough time... oh well... next time... bought myself a pair of black trackpants and knee length socks... huilin and i each bought one... to wear it with our boots... haha...

and then after that, took a train back to epping and met up with auntie, uncle, michelle and prisy... we went to this vietnamese-chinese restaurant in chatswood for dinner... the food's not bad and it was really crowded also... but also quite expensive... food's here really expensive... everywhere u go, it's the same... and then after dinner, went to the crepe cafe next door for dessert... the crepe was not what i imagined it to be... remember we used to have a crepe shop at parco bugis downstairs... and dunno what happened they closed down like my cinnamon roll shop... anyway, their crepes were crispy, but the ones here are all soft, and u have to pay extra if u want to add icecream... and they also have like fruits or egg or ham inside... we tried one choc sauce with cream crepe and 2 fruity ones... not that nice though and again expensive...

yep, that's abt it... and preparations for my party are still ongoing, still thinking of words for my charade game... and how to make my mask... we could not find an empty one at parramatta yesterday... oh and this morning michelle went to this LINDT warehouse sale... and ohmigod, she bought so many lindt chocs... i actually bought $40 worth of chocs... i was like saying how if i actually went there today, i would have bought more than this... she was also saying how there were so many pple there and everyone's grabbing chocs like they dun need money and it was packed... did not get to go cos i had to work... hmm... next week promises to be a very happening week... can't wait

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...