Friday, September 01, 2006

SuNdaY At thE RoCKs...

the third day of my parents' visit... btw, i forgot to add that the biggest present that i received was both my parents came to sydney to visit me...

huilin stayed over at our house after the party, and she helped out with the cleaning up and stuff, thanks... she gave me this cute soft toy and coin purse and korean food... the next day... she had to catch the bus back again bcos the track work's still going on... i felt really bad... after she left, prisy and michelle and my parents and i went to the city...

we parked at central and walked from market city to darling harbour... thank god the weather was not that hot and not raining... took pics along the way and finally stopped at this restaurant along darling harbour for our lunch... the place was obviously expensive... anything in darling harbour is expensive... anyway, the bottom line was i did not like the fish that i ordered... it was too fishy and it was not that nice... i personally think that we should just have gone to my fav spicy beef place at sussex centre... after that, we slowly made our way to The Rocks... it's more like a tourist place where the whole stretch of street was filled with small stalls selling their products... similar to clarke quay... i also have not been there before, and it was like a half an hour walk there...
some stalls that caught my attention was the one where this guy used spray paints to create space arts and it's really nice and looked real too... why are some pple so creative and some pple like me are not?? he's a really talented guy... wished i could have taken pics... another stall was one that sold lamps that were made up of paper which could be folded into each other... sort of like origami... really nice but also very expensive... we actually met karen there... with her sister and her friend... what a coincidence... spent quite awhile there, just browsing the stalls... bought the chocolate fudges that were sold at one of the stalls there...

after that, we began our long walk back to the car... stopped to use the toilet in the four seasons hotel... it's so nice and clean, but not as nice as the hotels in singapore of course... the ones in singapore are so clean and nice that i can even sleep inside... haha... and michelle ate the corn there even though she can't eat bcos of her braces, in the end, the corn got all stuck in her braces... it was disgusting... she still kept going ard and showing off her "corny" smile... haha...
by the time we arrived at pitt street, i was exhausted already, they still wanted to walk some more ard the shopping centres... no more walking please, i will just sit here and wait for u guys...

met up with auntie and uncle at eastwood for dinner at our fav bbq pork stall... bcos the stall was very small and we had so many pple, we had to wait for half an hour... so prisy and i detoured to the dvd rental store in the mall... and came out with two korean movies... the one with hyun bin... Millionaire's first love and the new movie by Song Hae Gyo... came home and watched Fearless and ate waffles with ice cream for dessert... i was so full...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...