Sunday, August 20, 2006

this week was quite happening for me...
mon... went to karaoke with amelia and karen, and i also got to eat my fav spicy beef at sussex centre... yum yum... had trouble looking for parking spot cos amelia drove that day... told her not to drive already... but she did not listen to me... so precious time was wasted and we only got to sing at ard 330pm... they did not have some of the songs that i wanted to sing... like elva hsiao's ta he ta, and my lian ai ping lu was so fast, i could not catch up with the song...

okay... something funny but at the same time embarrassing happened on thurs... i was doing my quantitative tutorial in the computer lab rite, and this aussie girl who's also in OT was sitting beside me, and i turned on my lian ai ping lu to listen on my earphones rite, and then i didn't know that it was actually blasting quite loudly thru the speakers on the computer... until my friend who's sitting on the other side of me told me... and before that, i was wondering where that aussie girl who's sitting next to me went rite, and after realising that my chinese song was playing quite loudly thru the speakers, i quickly turned off the music and i felt so paiseh... the girl was sitting at the other side... alamak... they must be wondering why i so inconsiderate and playing chinese song somemore... i really didn't realise...

and went out on fri with huilin to parramatta, apparently, it has the largest westfield in nsw... wow... it was actually newly renovated and got many new shops now... we did not finish walking also... not enough time cos we only arrived there ard 2pm and we ate lunch first... huilin also introduced me to this chinese stall in the food court where you can scoop as much food as want onto ur plate for $8... and she said to try the sweet and sour fish they had... it was really nice, crispy and warm... i must bring my parents there when they come next week... ok... so we shared one plate and heaped one whole pile of food onto it... oh man... it was like rojak... mixture of everything... both of us ate till 'jing jing you wei'...
and then the initial plan was to shop for abit and go and eat max brenner as a dessert rite... yup, they have a max brenner there... my first time eating max brenner was when i went back last year, melissa brought me to esplanade there and eat... i ordered the waffles one and didn't like it and it's also expensive... so my impression of max brenner is not very good... dunno what all the hype abt it is... ok so anyway, in the end, did not get to eat bcos by the time we finished shopping ard, there was not enough time... oh well... next time... bought myself a pair of black trackpants and knee length socks... huilin and i each bought one... to wear it with our boots... haha...

and then after that, took a train back to epping and met up with auntie, uncle, michelle and prisy... we went to this vietnamese-chinese restaurant in chatswood for dinner... the food's not bad and it was really crowded also... but also quite expensive... food's here really expensive... everywhere u go, it's the same... and then after dinner, went to the crepe cafe next door for dessert... the crepe was not what i imagined it to be... remember we used to have a crepe shop at parco bugis downstairs... and dunno what happened they closed down like my cinnamon roll shop... anyway, their crepes were crispy, but the ones here are all soft, and u have to pay extra if u want to add icecream... and they also have like fruits or egg or ham inside... we tried one choc sauce with cream crepe and 2 fruity ones... not that nice though and again expensive...

yep, that's abt it... and preparations for my party are still ongoing, still thinking of words for my charade game... and how to make my mask... we could not find an empty one at parramatta yesterday... oh and this morning michelle went to this LINDT warehouse sale... and ohmigod, she bought so many lindt chocs... i actually bought $40 worth of chocs... i was like saying how if i actually went there today, i would have bought more than this... she was also saying how there were so many pple there and everyone's grabbing chocs like they dun need money and it was packed... did not get to go cos i had to work... hmm... next week promises to be a very happening week... can't wait

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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