Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I WoN't FeeL bAD...

forgot to mention that i wewnt to eastwood to eat at my fav roast pork shop with amelia on wed... after body systems... haven't been there for awhile... the salt and pepper fish fillets were delicious... both of us were starving and we had to wait so long for the train... when the food finally came, we were gobbling the stuff up already... however, i must say that it was quite expensive, it might be cheaper if we had more pple, it was like $10 each... and we only had two dishes... at least the food was good...

and did something on sun which i refused to feel bad or guilty about... went out to the city to sing karaoke even though i have an exam on mon... i studied hard for the past week and i think i deserved a break... and also becos we had to go pick up my uncle and auntie from the airport... anyway... i had fun singing my heart and lungs out with prisy... we even got extra time singing becos i think they forgot abt us... and after that, we went to our favourite place to eat the spicy beef and chicken... yummy... anyway, human occupations exam yesterday was okay, hopefully i will do well cos the last time was worth 50% and i did not do quite well so i hope this one will pull my grades up... and yes!!! two more days and exams are over... everyone's telling me how they are unable to concentrate bcos they are so excited at going home... in a way, it's quite sad cos i probably won't be seeing them till like july... cos the whole of next semester we will be on clinicals... so scary... apparently we will be having our caseloads and patients... the thought of it is enough to make me sick and panic... that's when we will really find out how much i have learnt these two years... and this thursday we will be celebrating tina's birthday and a bon voyage at mel's house...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...