Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My GiRL...

Merry Christmas!!
went out with pong and one of my dad's friend... went to vivocity and she treated us to this really posh Brazilian restaurant buffet called Carnivore... whoa ate till i was so full... ate alot of meats today... the food was great... especailly suitable for those who love to eat meats... after that, walked around vivocity and as usual, there were alot of pple there even though it's like a weekday and it's the middle of the day... after that, while we were on our way to the mrt station, i actually met veena and devi... so "qiao" lor... cos i was about to call veena to inform her about the class gathering... haven't seen them for sooo long already, but they still looked the same... and they also said i looked the same... is that good or bad, i wonder?? talked for awhile, standing in the middle of the pathway...
and then we took a train down to plaza singapura... nothing much has changed... actually looking for a nice pair of sandals... preferably with abit of heels... but so far i have not seen any nice shoes yet... walked to OG, walked around there for abit and then went for a facial... haha... my face really hurts after facial... and i dread going everytime...

met up with zhenzhen aka brother for dinner at junction 8... again... i still remembered we went there last year also and also ate at the food court... we even ate ice kachang again... we really must do things differently next time... otherwise so predictable... after eating, we walked for abit, took like one picture together and went to look for fleecy jackets for zhenzhen... cos she will be coming to sydney uni next june for a year... yay... very excited... after that, we went to mcdonald and bought a chocolate milkshake and just sat and talked...

shit lah... got hooked onto this new korean series called MY Girl... once i started watching, i couldn't stop, so in the end, watched till like the next morning... did not sleep at all... i hate it... i know myself, once i start a show, i won't stop till i know the ending... that's why i refused to watch the other korean show during exams... bad bad andrea... btw, the show is damn good... better than princess hours... nice nice... and the main actor is sooo cute... haha...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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