Friday, October 13, 2006

My wEEk 11... hOw WaS UrS??...

it's the end of another week of uni... this week being more stressful than the others... because the placement project was due this friday and I had to do a literature review of 10 or more articles related to my topic on cognitive assessments for stroke patients... anyway... I only managed to do 14 articles and personally speaking, I did not put in as much effort as I should to do it... I just want to quickly get that over and done with so that I can focus on other stuff... haven't really had a break since last fri's HO exam... and what's worse... is i have to print out ALL the journal articles too... do u know how much money i spent printing all those stuff??? suck my blood man...

anyway... last saturday was prisy's birthday bowling with her workmates and michelle and me tagged along... it was held at this bowling place in castle hill... my first time bowling since i came here... that place was actually quite ulu... inconvenient to get to cos there is no public transport whatsoever... and about maybe 15 of her colleagues turned up so we split into 4 teams and started bowling... and i must also add that bowling here is also damn expensive... i paid $20 for 2 games and a meal... alamak... the bottomline is everything here is damn expensive...
i had fun... although i sucked at bowling... even when i went with crescent gang to bowl also... haha... but i had two good teachers in my team teaching me how to bowl and i improved in the second game... and it was so freaking hot on that day too... we all didn't want to go out of the house... so in the end stayed at home and watch movies... watched Eight Below... i highly recommend this movie if u are a dog person like me... the huskies in the show are so cute and well trained... very touching movie... and also got paul walker... definitely are incentives to watch the movie...

had cognition presentation today also... i think we went well... our topic was fetal alcohol syndrome... but i think the other group who presented ADHD did better and they only had 2 pple... oh well... it's over... and i got back my health policy essay this week too... not back marks... quite happy with the marks... but apparently karen got into trouble cos they suspected her of plagiarism... so she had to redo the paper and she was really upset... anyway... that's abt it... and it was so freaking hot again today and the flies are starting to come out again... aarghh... i hate it...

btw, something's wrong with my tagboard... and i can't open my blog on my laptop cos it kept skipping to the page that says 'we can't find ur tagboard address??" what's going on??!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...