Tuesday, September 12, 2006

StRiNG oF unForTunAte evENtS...

last week was a sad week for australia... firstly, the world-renowned steve irwin, the crocodile hunter died due to a stingray attack and then on fri... a famous racing legend peter brock died while racing when his car crashed into a tree... and then today, is the september 11... 9/11... a date that almost everybody in the world knows...

it has been five years since the twin towers of the World TRade Centre was destroyed... but i still remembered the first time when i heard the news... was in sec 4 at crescent and it was in the morning, when i walked into the classroom and fran and sherry were like... a plane crashed into the world trade centre??!!... the first thought that came into my mind was the world trade centre, now called something else (i can't remember) in singapore... and then i later realised that they were talking abt the ones in new york... the next few days... all news reports were on the terrorist attacks on the world trade towers and scenes of pple running, screaming, bloodied and of course the most horrifying pictures were of people plunging down from thousands of floors up to escape the burning furnace...
i still remembered feeling really sad and horrified and a kind of surreal feeling that this kind of thing really happened in modern day... cos you only watch this kind of thing in movies... like the movie independence day... but to see and know it's really happening now is kind of scary... and having the feeling of thank god i was not there...

i guess i just want to say that so many things are happening ard us and we are all so engrossed with what's happening to us that we sometimes forget that there is a much bigger thing going on out there in the world and that sometimes... life is unpredictable... we never know what will happen to us tomorrow... treasure everything and everyone ard us cos u never noe when that something or someone might just disappear...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...