Saturday, October 28, 2006

LaSt DaY aT uNi...

today was supposed to be my last day of uni second year semester 2... but i did not go to uni today, so yesterday was officially my last day at uni... except of course the exams... so next week is stuvac and then exams and then YES!!! I am free!!! i can't wait to go home... finally...
this whole week had been shitty, bcos i had three assignments due and the worst one was definitely kinesiology... anyway, i am not going to complain anymore on that... it's over...
i also received my play exam results this week, got a credit... was abit disappointed in myself but i noe i did not do my best... was really distracted most of the time while studying for it...
and i just deleted my tag-board, bcos it's really annoying and i noe a few of us (yes, fran, i saw ur blog too :)) also did the same thing and sherry advised me to get a new tag-board... i will put a new one up after exams k... just upset that all the past comments are gone... all bcos of the stupid tagboard that kept prompting for password...
also saw jo's 21st birthday photos... was abit envious of her actually... everything was so nice and alot of pple went to her party... i will NOT complain anymore after this... my parents came after all... and i enjoyed myself at the party and the "after party"...
and i am all alone at home for the whole of next week including today... bcos uncle and auntie went back to singapore and both my cuzzies are at work... and i am supposed to study... i have 6 exams this semester... but here i am blogging, reading other's blogs, doing things other than study... what's new... haha... i dunno why my hair's not growing longer, it's just growing thicker... which is not what i want!!! it looks really gross if i dun tie it up now... alamak...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...