Monday, October 16, 2006

FRidAy niGhT oUt...

Last friday was prisy's cousins gathering to celebrate her birthday... so we all went to her cousin's sander's house for dinner... they ordered thai food, which i did not really like and michelle made alcoholic drinks, which i did not drink... being a good girl... did not want to go to the gathering initially... bcos i dun really know them also and we were definitely going to stay late... which we did... we only left their house ard 1230am... i was ready to fall asleep already...

after dinner, we ate cake which auntie baked and sat ard talking... and after that, one of their cousins brought this karaoke set... so we all sat ard the living room taking turns to sing... we only had one microphone though... the songs they had were like really old... i dun even recognise most of the songs they were singing... i was like saying how the songs were not from my era man... haha... and then pple started wandering off to do their own things... and left me, michelle, prisy and her two cousins... they were really funny, cos the karaoke set has scores and apparently the lower tune you sang, the higher score you'll get, so they were trying to sing the songs as low as possible, which was not difficult for them becos they were guys... duh... so they were like getting high scores... but i beat their scores when i sang Right here waiting... one of my alltime favourites... and then becos sander's kids were sleeping already so we had to sing softly right but after awhile, we started to sing and talk loudly again... and myat had to come out and lower the volume of the microphone until it was so soft that u might as well not use the mike and just sing... and it was so hilarious when it was ngyan's turn cos he was practically just talking into the mike... michelle and i was laughing the whole time... and he actually got a high score just from talking instead of singing to the lyrics... really hilarious... anyway... i quite enjoyed myself there even though sometimes i felt out of place...

it is good that they maintained such a good relationship and try to meet up whenever they can... like me... i am not close to my cousins... except prisy and michelle... we only see each other like twice a year back in s'pore... quite sad... it is really bad... i would not be surprised if i could not recognise them if i passed them on the streets... that's how bad it is...

and yesterday at work... i found out that our head supervisor rachael just resigned... no wonder i have not seen her for the past 3 weeks... shit... she has yet to approve my leave application... and few other pple also left... and more and more new faces started appearing... i dun like them... and it was freaking hot again yesterday... like 37 degrees outside... but even though i was in woolies, it was so stuffy and hot inside too...

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