Monday, December 25, 2006


alamak... i accidentally put the wrong date on my previous post so now i can't post my blog until after 23 dec... so "gundoo"...
monday... met up with piyo, inthu and angie... went to this indian food place called kumala's to eat... piyo was late and we had to wait so long for her... ate prata but it was not that nice... ate and talked after not seeing them for a year... after that, we walked around marina square... took some pictures... piyo lost alot of weight... inthu and angie still looked the same to me... angie had to leave early so left the three of us and we decided to share a candy floss... yummy... i noe it's bad for the teeth... but i haven't had it for so long... and then after that, we walked abit more and went our separate ways... was waiting for the bus for like half an hour and it still did not come... so in the end i had to catch the free shuttle bus to city hall mrt and then take a bus home... and it was raining so heavily... so annoying... accompanied my grandma to the hospital on tuesday... raining like shit again... so we had to catch a taxi instead...

wednesday... met up with jo, fran and sherry... finally... dunno why they all so busy... went bowling at great world first with jo and huimin... i really think that we actually do better in the first rounds than in the second rounds... cos maybe we are all tired already and the game did not seem that fun anymore... and we agreed that the winner had to treat ben and jerry's... haha and the loser gets to distribute half of the pamphlets that jo brought with her... at the end of 2 rounds... jo won... which was amazing and unbelievable... haha juz joking... and huimin lost... and i got to eat ben and jerry's after... yummy... after that, we went to town and i bought tutu to eat... was actually quite full by then already... and then it was time to start distributing the pamphlets... very tiring leh actually... and then after distributing for more than an hour... i think i distributed less than 20... it's really hard man cos NOBODY wanted to take them... and guess who I saw while distributing at tangs... MEL!!! i did not even see her until she came right up to me... i was so tired by then and hot... so glad to see her... was supposed to go out with her one day before she goes back to sydney... and then finally was can stop already and meet fran and sherry for dinner at pepper lunch and takashimaya... but we ran into justina at orchard mrt... she looked different... sherry also... it was funny... haha... after dinner... we went back to cineleisure upstairs again to chill out... like last year... talked, gossiped... heard stories and glad that each of them are doing well... i did not really have any interesting stuff to say but i was contented to just sit there and listen... thanks guys... we really must meet up more often okay... and dun forget the class gathering... next time... KBOx!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...