Saturday, September 02, 2006

A LEssoN leArNt...

btw, before i start on my blog... my parents went back yesterday... went to the airport to send them off... i was sad that they are leaving so soon but i managed not to cry... i even got myself a pair of brown leather gloves at one of the duty-free shops... i kept telling myself that i would be able to go back in another 3 months' time...

mon... "ponned" uni to accompany my parents to hornsby westfield... shopping... my normally thrifty mum actually spent so much money on clothes for my sister... she actually bought blouses that costed like $30 each... and after that... went for lunch at the foodcourt, got to eat my fav macdonalds and my pretzels... both of which i haven't eaten for a long time... that's about it for my monday... bought alot of clothes... and i bought another photo album for myself, this time a bigger one bcos my small one is running out...

tues... went to uni for the health policy lecture and to see my area coordinator regarding the documentation exam... i got 'pending' for the exam... alot of my friends failed the paper, even yochi, whose dictionary does not have the word fail... i was so surprised that she failed the exam... and it's really ridculous cos they focused more on our grammar, spelling, general language stuff more... and i got pending not bcos my language was bad, but bcos i wrote down the wrong info and did not identify the 4 correct problem areas for the client... and it's stupid, bcos we had to watch the initial interview video which has really bad sound quality and i could not even hear what the "client" was saying... anyway, after seeing the coordinator... i just have to rewrite the 4 problem areas and she will pass me...

after the lecture, went to the city to meet up with my parents... went to eat at my fav spicy beef place of course... dun think they liked the food though... still preferred chinese food i think... and then after, despite knowing that we would be eating dinner out with auntie and family to celebrate father's day and my papa's bdae... i still decided to go eat at this dessert place called passionflower... actually it was prisy and michelle who recommended that place cos i said i wanted to eat waffles... but when i arrived there, i saw the menu and found this icecream and brownie dessert and i had to have it... so the three of us shared one dessert... really nice but i was so full after eating it and i knew i was in trouble bcos i definitely cannot eat anymore...
of course, later that night, when we met up for dinner at this malaysian-chinese restaurant, i was still so full but i did not want to tell them that we went to eat earlier already... so i had no choice but to try and eat some... the food was horrible, the only nice dish that i liked was the roasted chicken... even the fish was bad...
anyway, NEVER EVER eat so much till u are so full till u can't breathe like i did... bcos after i came home, my stomach was really painful and it felt like the food was all stuck in there and could not digest, i was really miserable... so in the end, i ate Norit and vomited... it was BAD...
never again... i have learnt my lesson... i just couldn't resist when i saw the icecream with brownie thing...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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