Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SiCK & FeELinG crAPpy...

poor andrea has been sick since friday... friday was the worst... felt shitty after coming back from uni... and then went to bed early cos i was having fever and my whole body felt so hot and weak... and the sore throat was killing me... drank alot of water too... but nothing seemed to be working... was actually my fault... ate almost the whole packet of cheese doritoes on thurs... and then had to work during the weekend... i almost wanted to stop working halfway on sunday... cos i was coughing and feeling crappy... and now... although the sore throat's not as bad as on friday, but i am having a cold now... i can't breathe...

went to see the doctor today and the whole consultation lasted only five mins... the doctor just asked me what's wrong, looked at my throat and checked my ear and that's it... just told me to go to the pharmacy to get some cough medicine and some throat spray... alamak, that did not help at all and i forgot to ask for some antibiotics... and i had to go all the way to the main campus in the city... waste my time and money... so after seeing the doctor, i decided to visit my favourite bookstores... kinokuniya and borders... sat there the whole afternoon reading... michelle gave me a $20 gift card from borders fro my bdae present, so i thought i would use the money to buy the next book in my in death series... unfortunately, borders did not have the book yet...

today called the hospital where i went for my placement and found out that my supervisor was not working there anymore... shit man... no wonder she did not return my email... cos we still have to submit a project thing to them in october... how...
the week has been crappy so far since friday, nothing's going well... next week is the one week mid-semester break... mixed feelings... the good thing is of course dun have to go uni but also got a pile of assignments and presentations waiting for me on the table... and exam's coming soon...
how to do anything when my nose is blocked and i can't breathe??!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...