Tuesday, December 05, 2006


friday prisy brought back princess hours... and in my opinion... and sorry if i offend anyone, but the show is actually not as nice as i thought it would be... like i thought "it started with a kiss" was better... princess hours was funny but the prince in the show is soooo slow and boring... we had to watch the show at like fast speed... i prefer the other prince, yul... he is quite cute and prisy said he looked abit like hyun bin... i felt so sorry for him... and apparently the part 2 is coming soon but he would not be in it... oh well... i am sure he is going to get his own lead show soon... haha...

had driving lessons practically everyday now, so that i can learn as much stuff and remember them when i come back... hoping to take the test next year so that i can get my red Ps... and maybe save enough money to buy a small car???!! cross my fingers...

went out on saturday... just prisy and me hanging out before i go home on wed... went to chatswood to look for black workpants first... but they did not have any... so we just shopped around abit and caught a train to the city... when we got there, went to sussex centre to meet up with prisy's friend, wendy and we ate lunch there... and guess what i had for lunch... spicy beef... haha... no surprises there... after that, i actually wanted to go eat waffles at passionflower but after walking around at market city, i still felt full so we did not eat waffles in the end... went karaoke after... wendy and me were like singing chinese songs all the way and prisy sang english songs... after that, prisy and me walked back to chinatown to look for emu oil... finally found them at the tourist shops in chinatown... and then after that, went to wait for michelle to come pick us up cos we were meeting uncle and auntie for dinner at eastwood... it was pouring that day... both our jeans got wet and dirty... and my poor umbrella could not withstand the strong winds... had to share with prisy... and michelle was late again so we decided to go buy the "chai dao kui" for auntie... finally got to eastwood ard 8pm... ate dinner and by the time we got home, it was already almost 10pm... and guess what we did after... watch princess hours... haha... we finally finished yesterday...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...