Friday, December 01, 2006

6 MoRe dAyS...

haven't been doing much these past few days... just waiting for the day to come for me to go home... the only highlights currently are my driving lessons... i actually have a dilemma, cos initially yochi recommended her driving instructor to me so i booked a lesson with him on monday rite, and then prisy told me that one of her friend's dad also teaches driving... and the thing is, both of them are really nice and patient... but prisy's friend's dad charged me much cheaper... $35 so of course i decided to go with him but i just feel bad towards the other instructor... what am i going to tell him tomorrow...

up till now, during my driving lessons, i learnt the different functions in the car, how to steer, signals, unlocking the steering wheel (btw, this is damn hard!!), i also got to do abit of reversing, and driving on the main road... i think i was really scared and nervous the first day, but after that, i was better and able to drive up to 50km/h... haha... the first day i only dared to drive at 20km/h and my feet was on the brakes the whole time... pple make driving look so easy, dun they... especially turning... only when i am driving then i realised that it is not as easy as it seemed... also started to learn how to park at the kerb... this was definitely hard... required spatial judgement and logical thinking... which i dun have... but practice makes perfect!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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