Thursday, November 23, 2006

StUcK in ThE SwEltEriNg HeAT...

these few days we are once again back into the korean wave... all thanks to prisy's workmate who lent her this korean show called spring waltz... on the whole, on my scale of 1-10, the show only rated maybe 6... nonetheless, we watched it till like 1am on sunday night, not that i got anything better to do the next day, but both prisy and michelle have to work... even auntie stayed up with us... thankfully it was a happy ending, although both the main characters had a very difficult and sad childhood... and they were really fated to be together cos they loved each other since they were little... anyway... that's about it for the weekend, besides going to work...

and then went swimming at lane cove with prisy yesterday... we were really disappointed when we found out that the olympic pool was closed and the sauna and steam were closed for maintenance... so we only could swim in the indoor pool and it was quite crowded... cos the weather was so freaking hot these past few days... reaching 38 degrees today... and me... in order to escape the heat, i went to borders hornsby to read... shopped abit, trying to look for another black workpants... and presents... did not get anything in the end... alamak... most of my friends all went back home already... and i am still here waiting to go home... was supposed to have driving lessons this friday but the driving instructor called today and postponed it to monday... dunno what to do with myself actually...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...