Thursday, August 31, 2006

PaReNts' ViSiT daY 1...

this week was quite busy for me... cos my parents came to visit me for a week... on thurs we went to the airport to pick them up... my mum bought back alot of stuff... my calbee chips, sambal chilli, and she even managed to smuggle in chee cheong fun??!!

on fri... i had a tutorial so i brought my parents with me to uni... showed them ard my dilapidated uni campus, of course cannot compare even to the primary schools in singapore now... and i heard that the lidcombe campus where i am at now is going to be moved to the main campus in the city after i have graduated... so the health sciences campus in future would be in the city... and after i finished my tutorial, we went shopping at parramatta... did not buy anything though... just shopped ard and ate that sweet and sour fish again at the foodcourt... and then we went to max brenner to eat... finally!! whoa... ordered brownie, the melting chocolate where they have a special metal spoon where u can also drink from... so sweet... the stuff are too sweet for me... and for me to say that... u noe it's really sweet, i got a headache after eating that... wanted to bring my parents to visit my workplace after, but they called me and asked if i could work and bcos i didn't want to work, i said no and so we did not go there in the end... and at night, after dinner, we watched blade trinity... did not really like the show, super corny... and i was so sleepy that i went to sleep first halfway thru the show... have to prepare for my party the next day... okay, will write a new blog on my party...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...