Monday, October 30, 2006

StUvaC WeekEnd...

i realised that i forgot to mention that we went to chatswood shopping on thurs... i bought a boardshort for pong and prisy got a bag and shoes... which btw, she already has alot of both... everything was going well until the time came for us to leave... okay the shopping centres here have free parking for the first 3 hours and anything after that, u have to pay... so that day, when we realised that we were about to exceed the three hour limit parking, prisy and i ran through westfield like crazy but we still ended up paying... damn...

fri night the three of us went to the city to have dinner with our uncle and his new wife, who came to sydney as part of their honeymoon stopover... they got married this year and apparently he's the first in the family to marry an 'ang moh'... he is actually my mum's cousin so that makes him my uncle??? aiyah, anyway everybody is either uncle or auntie right... haha...
yep, so firstly, prisy and i have to go to microsoft to pick up michelle, and then i had a 'wardrobe malfunction' bcos my brown velvet skirt which i was wearing kept falling down and it was so uncomfortable, so in the end, we had to detour to their auntie's house nearby to borrow a belt... alamak... i was so embarrassed... and so we were late getting my uncle and his wife, alex...
then after we got to the place where michelle had booked earlier, they told us that there was no seats available even though we booked earlier... actually i was glad that we did not eat there, cos that place was like a bar and the music was so loud and there were so many pple...
so michelle brought us to another cafe at darling harbour... the food was quite nice, i had this chicken parmigiano thing and wedges... but i should not have eaten that bcos i was having sore throat... and it's like fried stuff... and after that, we walked one round around darling harbour... his new wife is quite a nice person, i am happy for my uncle... i haven't seen my uncle since his brother's wedding like two years ago back in singapore... so anyway, glad to have this catchup time with him... we went to have dessert at passionflower after... i ate waffles and ice cream... it was delicious, but i was so bloated after that... sense of deja-vu... recalled back to the time when i brought my parents to the passionflower near chinatown... and then after that, went back to their hotel room to look at their wedding pictures... really nice...
btw, i broke my previous record of staying out till 12am... we only left their hotel ard 1230am and arrived home at like 130am... prisy and michelle are bad influences to me... michelle even suggested going karaoke after we left the hotel... i was like no... i have to work tomorrow...

and so i did not study at all... even on saturday and sunday, cos i was working... i am so screwed man... i really really have to start studying... and i am falling sick again... i seem to always fall sick during the pre- and exam period... i wonder why...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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