Monday, October 02, 2006

BaCK tO uNi... :(

THis weekend is a long weekend... bcos apparently tomorrow is a public holiday... Labour Day... and i am working... for once... working is good, bcos i get double rate pay... even though my arms and legs are aching and in pain... been working throughout the weekend... have to earn and save money becos i am planning to take driving lessons after exams and one hour of lesson is like $40??? suck my blood man... and also becos when i go back to singapore... won't be working for like 3 months... so now must earn as much money as i can... hmm... there's alot of new faces in the store now... i guess i am just not used to it... cos it's been so long since we had new pple coming in... and now suddenly so many new faces ard... so like i am considered one of the "older" pple in the store... in terms of the time we worked in the store since it opened...

last friday... invited yochi and amelia over to do baking... they made the cheesesticks while i made the caramel brownie... in my opinion, both were a disaster... firstly, they put too much pepper in the cheesesticks and for some reason, the cheesesticks did not rise... all of them came out flat... dunno what happened also... and then the brownie... after i added and stirred everything and put the tray into the oven... yochi picked up this packet and asked me how come the caramel's still unopened... i did not even realise there was no caramel in the brownie when it was supposed to be caramel brownie... haha... so i had to take the brownie mix out of the oven and pour the caramel on top... and again... for some reason... the brownie came out all mushy and sticky... stuck to the paper cos i could not find grease paper, so i just used some paper thing and sprayed oil on it... obviously it did not work... alamak... and cheesesticks and brownies were supposed to be my specialty... yeah... watched Love Actually as we ate our fruits of labour...

this week... two of my close friends turning 21... yay... so happy 21st Jo and Angie!!! u guys finally joined the "mature adults" club... haha... enjoy urselves... and Jo i hoped u received my letter...

and it's back to uni again... so not looking forward to going back... so many assignments and presentations... and exams... this semester is sooo hard... and they are going to base the honours selection on our results this year... stress ah...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...