Tuesday, September 26, 2006


After drinking lots and lots of water... I have finally recovered... thank God... i was so miserable the whole week... kept coughing and dun feel like talking bcos of the sore throat... and also cannot eat alot of my fav foods... anyway...

i am on a one-week break now... which also is not really a break bcos i have tons of stuff to do and human occupations exam next friday... just thinking of all the assignments and presentations that i have is enough to cause me to start panicking... last year this time... still remembered i was at the arthritis camp... i still can remember clearly what happened at the camp... more bad than good actually... maybe cos i am not used to taking care of so many kids at once and they are all so grown-up, not really kids already and they have their own thinking and ways of doing things... and they dun really want to listen to a stranger telling them what to do...

so... what have i been up to... nothing much... prisy got me hooked to another japanese anime show called Full Metal Alchemist... really long show again... but after watching it... it's really a good show... especially the relationship between the two brothers and the stuff that they had to go through... sometimes the show is really sad but it's got substance... not like some anime where you just watch and get nothing out of it... it's abt this two brothers whose mum passed away and they tried to use alchemy to resurrect her... but in alchemy, it is a taboo to use alchemy to resurrect humans so obviously bad things happened to both of them... the older brother lost an arm and leg and the younger brother lost his body and his soul is stuck in an armour... and the whole show is on how they go on a journey to find something called the philosopher's stone in order to restore them back to their original bodies...

that's abt it... and i gave up going to jolin tsai's concert on october 13 here in sydney... really wanted to go initially also because guess who her special guest is.... Jerry Yan!!! sigh... but it's too expensive and i already spent money to buy my airfares back... so decided to save money...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...