Sunday, October 22, 2006

SHiTty WeeK...

this whole week could be summarized in one word... shitty... why??? bcos of the sickening kinesiology proposal... i dun think i have ever spent so much time and effort on one assignment... it was actually due this monday but it was pushed back to wednesday... thank god... the thing was we just can't seem to find any information on the muscle that we are looking at... we searched everywhere... books, journal articles and on the internet... nothing and we wasted so much time just looking for stuff... and we have to write so much stuff... and the thing now is our modified posture is wrong so we had to remeasure and take pictures again on monday... and in order to do that... yochi and me have to skip lectures becos we had to go to her auntie's workplace... all of us are just so sick of this proposal now... we just want to quickly get it over and done with cos we still have COP proposal and portfolio due next week also... and we also had to stay at uni till late on thurs and friday trying to complete the proposal... it's just really horrible... i will be glad when stuvac finally comes in another week...
i feel like i haven't got a chance to rest and recharge myself... and i will be working over the weekend also... just very tired of everything... both mentally and physically...

on a happier note... we went karaoke on tuesday after uni... got to sing my new songs and also got to eat at my fav place... but instead of eating the spicy beef, i decided to try the korean spicy chicken... and it turned out to be quite nice... yummy... and then on thurs... we stayed back late at uni right... and when i was on my way home... prisy called and told me that michelle wanted to go to this westfield in miranda, which was all the way south... we live in the north btw... becos apparently that westfield has the only charles and keith store in all of australia... and she wanted to go check out this particular shoe... i didn't want to go becos i was already really tired and hungry and the drive was long... like it took us about an hour to drive there... by the time we arrived, it was almost closing time... and while they were trying on shoes, i went to eat... i could not wait any longer... i was really starving... so after that, on the drive back, we stopped by at this small lebanese bread shop and bought the bread there and ate... they were actually quite nice, especially the cheese ones... and becos they made it fresh, we stood outside the shop waiting quite awhile and just ate in the car... it was like 11pm by the time we got home... really tired...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...