Friday, September 29, 2006


yesterday went to the city for karaoke with huilin, sally, xueting and a few of sally's other friends... but u now what... they made me wait for them for like 40 mins... standing stupidly outside woolies for so long... i was so pissed... i never ever wait for anybody for so long man... stupid pple... and then when they finally arrived... i was of course pissed already and then we realised that the karaoke place does not open till 1pm... so we had to stand outside and wait for another 15 mins... huhh... annoying...

so the five of us started to sing first cos sally's friends were coming later... and then huilin told me that they were all guys... i was like shit... i dun like singing in front of strangers leh... okay... and then when we all started to put in our songs... one of her friends whipped out these two lists of songs that she wrote down of all the songs that she was planning to sing... haha... funny, cannot blame... she's also a singaporean... kiasuism... i had to leave early cos i had to work last night... but they all stayed till 9pm... can u believe it??? they are also hardcore karaoke fans like me... sing from 1-9pm... i would have stayed if i could...

anyway, before meeting up with them, i went early to buy prisy's present... not really a present... it's like this westfield gift card where i just put in a certain amt of money and she can use the money to buy whatever she wants in westfield... i thought that was a brilliant idea cos i have no idea what to give her so might as well just give her this and she can use it to buy things she like... anyway... happy 21st birthday prisy!!!

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