Sunday, October 08, 2006

LonG, LoNGEr, and loNgEsT...

this week was really stressed for me... becos of human occupations exam yesterday... worth 50%... it was really difficult for me... cos we had to memorise the case studies and be familiar with them... and i could not really concentrate during studying... cos i was hooked onto this really funny hongkong cooking show called Beautiful Cooking... really funny... seeing the actresses cook and some of them are really hilarious, because they never cook before and one even set the wok on fire... and the judges were also really hilarious... anyway... yeah now that human occupations exam is over, next up is the project for the placement... really annoying, becos mine is a literature review of like 20 articles... and i have to print all of them out and send them to nepean hospital... waste my money... i doubt they will even read them...
final exams timetable just came out... shit man... this semester is really bad... the first week is like one exam every day... and i have like 6 papers altogether... why...

nothing much happening... just can't wait to go back and that's like my motivation to quickly study and get over it and look forward to going home... and i have decided to keep my hair long... yes... i have never had long hair in my life so i am going to try keeping it and see how it goes... now my hair is still shoulder length but can tie up already... but it's really bad if i dun tie it up... look so messy and make my neck itchy... let's just wait and see how long i can stand it before my succumb to cutting my hair again... cos pong said i dun look nice with my hair tied up... :(

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...