Thursday, July 27, 2006

2006 WFOT Congress...

updates updates... hmmm... since the last day of clinicals last fri, i was working on sat and went to play badminton with michelle and her colleague... and then she came back and had an urge to do baking again... some strawberry pastry thing... but this time i was really not in the mood to bake so she got her bf and her colleague to help out... and my uncle had guests from singapore during the wkend so the house was busier than usual...

and as u noe... this week is the first week of uni but i still have not gone to uni till now... because of the WFOT congress, all OT lectures are starting only in wk 2, which meant that this week only have like one lecture a day so i dun want to travel all the way to uni just for one hour of lecture... so i pon uni for three days already... how bad am i... and apparently today's the last day to buy the manuals... which meant that i have to get the manuals directly from the individual schools... 'mah fun' man...

okay yesterday went to the congress finally... when i arrived, it was crowded with ang mohs... which showed that OT is still very much a westernized profession... so i registered and went to the opening ceremony... they had like this aborigine man blowing this long wooden pipe thing that curved at the end... dunno what is it called... and three girls playing violins... quite cool... and then i just went to talks after talks... three of my lecturers at uni presented their research papers that day... topics presented yesterday included things like dementia, cognition, young adults with motor disabilities, information processing in young preschoolers, evidence-based practice... quite interesting but i was quite tired becos i slept late the previous night so i dozed off during the presentation of my ORL lecturer's paper on parkinsons disease... haha... and they had many booths in the exhibition hall on OT related stuff, like the australian unis offering OT, different companies which supply equipment, the publishers of OT textbks... all in all... i am glad that i got to attend the congress, although i still thought the price is damn expensive for one day... and i have never been inside the sydney convention centre before till yesterday... and i also took back many brochures, free stuff like the pens, mousepads, measuring pads, calendars... my s'porean kiasuism trait was revealed... haha...

okay... i am hooked again on ANOTHER korean show!!! it's all prisy's fault... asked me to watch the show bcos the subtitles were in chinese and it flashed really fast... so she could not read it... wanted me to watch and translate for her... otherwise she has to pause after every sentence and slowly read the chinese... and now i got hooked to the show... but let me warn those who has not watched it yet... it's a sad show but it's a happy ending... although i thought they should not end the show that way... abit corny... and i still think kim sam soon is still nicer... but i would still recommend it to those who have not watched it yet... and the guy is not as cute as hyun bin... ahhhh!!! and also the theme song, which is in english... is really nice... but the lead actress is really cute... and the scriptwriters who wrote this show made the lead actor say such mushy stuff that i got goosebumps while watching and he cried all the time and the show is quite draggy and spans a few years...
okay... u guys must be dying to know what show i am talking abt rite... let's now reveal the show name... drums and gongs pls....
the show' name is...

Save the last dance for me...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...