Sunday, July 09, 2006

My shIny aNd NeW laPtOp...

okay, i am actually using my brand new laptop to type this blog... i am so happy... it finally came on friday and it's so shiny and it even smells new... wide screens and nice typing keys... everything is so nice, abit scared to use it cos it's so fragile... haha ... this could be one of the most exciting thing that happened during the two week holiday...

went with prisy to strathfield with her friends, actually wanted to eat at ceci... but it was so crowded when we got there, no thanks to michelle who wanted to detour to rhodes shopping centre on the way to strathfield... i was told that the chinese grocery store at rhodes shopping centre actually sold kaya spread, so i went in there to find, wanted to buy one bottle to try, but i couldn't find it in the end... miss my kaya spread... okay, so instead of eating at strathfield, we went to eat at this other korean place, where most of their dishes were soup-based... ordered this beef soup and pork rib soup with rice... didn't really like the food though... after that, we went home to make cinnamon rolls... HUIMIN!!! my cinnamon roll fanatic partner... i found this recipe online and decided to make it... turned out okay, not as nice as the ones i ate in singapore before they closed down... the dough tasted funny and the cinnamon were melting and leaking out of the dough... maybe next time i will find another recipe and we can make it together k... :)
ate till i was so full yesterday, with all the cinnamon rolls in my stomach... and we also made cookies... aren't we healthy??!!

tomorrow is the world cup final already... so fast... Italy vs France... my bet is on France... haha... wanted Germany to win... oh well... definitely staying up to watch even though the next day is my clinical first day... which btw, i am really dreading... dun want to go, juz want to stay at home and rot and bum around... what if the supervisor asked me something and i dun now anything how? year 2 already and still dun noe anything... what have i been doing in uni??

and then today, went to work in the morning, and when i came home, michelle wanted to make her custard puffs... so in the end we made her custard puffs, cheese pastries AND brownies... i am getting fatter every day... how to lose weight like that??? also got prisy to trim my hair cos it's getting so thick and going out of shape... haven't cut it since last december... thinking of growing my hair long... since it's winter now... i have not grown my hair beyond shoulder-length ever... we'll see how it goes... dunno if long hair will suit me though... it's a hassle having long hair also...still haven't decided if i should attend the congress... should i go or not??

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...