Friday, July 14, 2006

DAy 4 oF cLiNicALs...

Almost missed the train this morning… alamak if i missed this train... i will be late for clinicals...

In the morning, followed Rebekah to do an initial interview with this elderly lady who’s really alert and she could understand us and who could also joke with us… a really nice old lady… after that, there were more documentation to do mainly completing the initial forms and progress notes… like seriously, I was telling prisy earlier that in a day, we only see 3 patients at the most and the rest of time was spent looking for the patient’s files and writing notes… this is definitely not efficient… I mean, the patients are constantly piling up but here we are, as OTs, being stuck writing out all the documents and stuff… wasting time… might as well spend more time with the patient… and then after that, we were called to do a shower Ax on this elderly male patient… I dunno abt you, but I personally have never seen a guy’s penis up close and personal before… only on pictures in anatomy TBs and the atlas… so today was quite an uncomfortable time for me… like I think my supervisor’s actually trying to shield me from him bcos she stood in front of me and pulled the curtains but I would see it eventually anyway, if u noe what I mean… so anyway, it was not a comfortable experience for me… at least I didn’t have to help wash him or something… but he did asked me to help him put on his socks… I have no idea why… like he wanted me to do it, even when my supervisor said she would help him put it on… abit creepy there…

So after that, more documentation stuff… and then it was morning tea… after morning tea, the OT dept had a dept meeting which we attended also… so us students just sat there and listen to them talk about some housekeeping stuff… one interesting thing that they were discussing abt was whether they should continue with making attendance at case presentations compulsory, which was like every fortnight, one of them has to do a presentation on a certain illness/ disability, which I thought was interesting… I mean, as OTs, we cannot just focus on the clinical area that we are working on currently, it is always good to learn more abt other clinical areas, bcos who knows in future you might need the info… so anyway, today’s presentation was on dementia… quite interesting as the OT presented it was well-prepared and I thought she presented it really well, and she also all these cognitive tests that she found were useful for screening pple with dementia…

and then after the meeting, we went back down to the ward again... did a mock initial interview with Rebekah to practise... tomorrow i will be doing one by myself... i kept wanting to laugh during the mock interview... dunno what to ask also... anyway, then after that, followed this other OT Melanie who's got this Polish client and she got an interpreter to come in to translate... i got to sit in and observe her doing a cognitive screen thru the translator... really interesting... and the patient was in a good mood today, not like the last time i saw him... and then after the interview, Rebekah suddenly dunno disappear to where and i waited for her for like half an hour... feeling so extra at the ward... alamak... and the remainder of the afternoon was spent reading up more case files and walking ard the hospital... did not do much after... hope i will do well for my initial interview tomorrow...

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