Monday, July 17, 2006

GeT wEll sOOn...

this weekend thankfully i am not working cos i took leave for the whole 2 weeks for clinicals... but even though i told them i was unavailable, they still called my handphone during the week and auntie told me they also called home... oh well... it's not that i am deliberately not wanting to work, it's bcos i am on clinicals... dunno if they might get upset at me... and then on fri, when i came home... auntie told us that nainai has a high fever and they suspect it's dengue fever... called home and talked to her and sounded unwell... high fever and her whole body like very weak... and then yesterday, she was hospitalised... sigh... all of us are really worried abt her... dunno why suddenly got dengue fever... is it bcos the weather's very hot now in s'pore or what... really hope that she will get well soon... she hates the hospital... i can't even take care of her now that she's old... when she's the one who took care of my sis and me when we were young cos both my parents are working... whenever i think of that, i feel like crying... why it has to be nainai... she's had a really hard life, and even now when she's old... she has to suffer...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...