Friday, July 21, 2006

SecOnD Last DaY...

yay... it's the second last day of clinicals... dun have to wake up so early every day and freezing cold anymore... today on the way back from kingswood... okay, i always sleep on the way home cos the journey's quite far right... and today i actually almost missed my stop at strathfield... it's never happened to me before... i just suddenly opened my eyes, and still sitting there blur blur for like 5 sec... and then i was trying to look around for the name of the station... and when i realised that i was already at strathfield and the door's was about to close... i shot up from my seat and ran to the exit... whoa 'heng' man otherwise i would have to backtrack... and miss my express train...

today was quite interesting... actually spent less time in the student's room today... in the morning... went back to the wards to check up on the patients... our ward's still being quarantined... and more pple were apparently getting the virus... we had to gown up and wear gloves whenever we were going to see the patients and sterilize our hands... and then after... i was told to observe in on one of the outpatients wheelchair fitting clinics... where the person comes in to be seen by an external OT who specializes in wheelchair fittings... the lady today was already in a wheelchair... a pink one i might add... but her current one was getting unsuitable for her so she had to get another which would better suit her needs... and today was the first day i saw an actual electric hoist in action... like we actually did it once last year during human occupations... but it was really brief and i dun think we got to try it... anyway... yeah... it was really cool... we also did some turning in bed with the patient... and i learnt that there were again many factors to consider... like her current condition, pressure sores, body alignment, whether she's comfortable in that wheelchair cos she would be permanently in it unless she's showering or sleeping... the OT who came in for the wheelchair fitting was really good at what she does... i hope that i can be like her... we also took the patient for a little trip around the hospital to trial her wheelchair...

after that... i was so starving cos it took about two and a half hours just to do one wheelchair fitting... after that... went back up to the wards to visit our patients again... just observed my supervisor assessing one of the patient's upper limb functional abilities... after that, basically nothing much just sat in the office looking through some of the product catalogues... and some outpatient files... and u noe what... my supervisor actually said something that i thought was one of the highest compliments that anyone could give me... she said i had a good memory bcos i could remember the patients' names and that's why i would be a good OT in future!! thanks! and then bcos tomorrow's the last day of clinicals, i hand-made two cards, one to my supervisor and the other to the OT dept... also bought them expensive chocolates... as a bribe maybe??!! haha...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...