Saturday, August 05, 2006

COld, DreaRy & frEEzing...

second week of semester 2... back to uni proper... the same old routine... lectures, assignments, tutorials and exams... the first half of the year seemed to fly past in a blur...

this semester no off days for me... got uni from mon-fri and the subjects that we have to study are all so dry... and last year after the first semster of sociology, i thought i never have to study it again... and of all the subjects... this semster we have to study something called health policy and service delivery... and the first lecture this week... the lecturer literally talked nonstop for an hour... i was sleeping already after the first ten minutes... last year's sociology was a nightmare and i dread this semester... and also we have this physic-biomechanical subject called kinesiology... and quantitative analysis crap... i think they purposely put all the sucky subjects together to torture me... and on top of all these horrible subjects... we have a project and a portfolio to do for the placement that we did during the midsemester break...

and today was one of the worst days of winter... it was raining so heavily the whole day... so wished that i was staying at home feeling warm and dry instead of shivering and attending lectures till 4pm...

one good thing to look forward to is... i am planning to have a 21st birthday party at home... actually not really a party, more like a gathering, but i will be preparing food and games to play... i thought since you can only be 21 years once in ur life... might as well celebrate it cos i might not be able to have a party again... my initial plan was to hold it in macdonalds... haha... but i think we are all over the minimum age group... the only sad thing is... i won't get to celebrate this important event with my family and close friends beside me...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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