Saturday, July 01, 2006

1st WeEk oF holiDayS...

today is the last day of june already... my first week of holidays is coming to an end... on mon after orl exam, angela and me decided to take a train down to kingswood where the hospital that we are going to for clinicals is located... it was almost a 2hour journey there... and the train fares are hiking up again... a weekly ticket there is going to cost me $45!!! the hospital was quite new and nice, at least it's more than 1 storey, which most hospitals i have seen are... and the pple there are quite nice so far... we toured ard the place, found out that offer hostels for students to stay... and i was really considering to stay there for 2 weeks during the clinicals... but after thinking abt it, i decided not to... cos firstly, it would cost me more to stay there and i dun think i can stay there by myself... not as independent as i thought... so the down side would be that i would have to wake up really early in the mornings and travel for long periods of time in the cold...

during the week, i did not do much except bumming ard at home, looking for a new laptop cos my current one died on me during the exams... shitty... now i can't even start it and i still have stuff saved on it that i have not backed up... i dunno how am i going to transfer those... finally ordered one online yesterday night, after much browsing ard... it's a dell model and apparently it's got really good features at a reasonable price... went to eat yum cha at that north ryde rsl club again, this time with uncle and auntie, prisy and michelle... and again, it was really expensive, even though we did not order much... i dun even like to eat dim sum and stuff... but bcos we could not decide and prisy had to rush to work... i never ever want to go back there again... if i can help it...

went to eastwood yesterday and rented a korean series called my name is kim sam soon... quite hilarious but i dun really like the main actress, kim sam soon... i noe her character is to be like this person who does what she wants and dun care abt what others think, but sometimes she can be so overbearing, and okay, i have to say this, the main actor, hyun bin, is damn cute leh! haha... has a boyboy look also... i think he's better looking than Rain... anyway, i would give it 7/10, sometimes it can be quite cheesy... but cute...

went to hornsby at night with prisy... bought a navy blue pants for clinicals... nothing much... and went to work again on wed... felt so alienated when i stepped into woolies, cos i haven't been to work for almost two weeks... and i have officially worked there for 1 year and 7 days, since june 23... congrats to me... haha... dreading work this weekend... working the shitty shift from 1-10pm on both sat and sun... help!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...