Friday, June 23, 2006

LAsT paPEr To gO...

i know i haven't blogged for a long time... exams!!! what else... first paper, neuroscience, was okay, not as hard as i thought it would be... i think it's bcos i know what to expect after the mid semester exam... anatomy was quite shitty though, i couldn't do the last few questions on pelvic motion and control... and then today's DHR paper was quite okay, not too difficult, although i never pay attention during lectures and sometimes even 'pon' lectures... not a good thing... but i can't help it sometimes... i really feel like dozing off sometimes... my body is there, but my spirit is not... haha...
last paper is on mon... ORL... so wish that today was the last paper... then i can enjoy the weekend... didn't do much stuff this whole week except study and watch the world cup whenever i can... sigh... today saw the news that the czech republic is out... i can't believe it... i wanted them to go into the nect round... i really like them... oh and australia is in... i actually caught the last 10 minutes of the game today, and the game was really getting out of hand... the referee gave a red card to a croatian player but he still was allowed to keep playing... how weird is that? and the referee was also giving the red and yellow cards out like they dun need money... the whole game was weird...

so anyway, that's about it for now... oh and denise emailed me saying that she might come to sydney... really hope that she can come...
did i mention that i will be going to this faraway suburb called penrith for my placement? it's like almost two hour one way journey there... thinking of the fact that i have to wake up at like 5am in the mornings freezing cold just make me dread the start of placement... somebody help me!!! it's a hospital placement this time, and i will be working with acute stroke patients... the good thing is that angela is also doing her placement there, at least i got company...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...