Saturday, February 26, 2005

MUsIc By moOnLigHt...

hmm... today's blog title sounds quite romantic... today's friday but instead of swimming like what we do every friday... we went to the sydney olympic park to attend the sydney orchestra's Music By Moonlight... basically its juz find a spot on the open field, make urself comfortable and listen to the orchestra play live classical music... initially i didn't really felt like going, but i am glad that i went cos the weather was good and the atmosphere was really nice... although we didn't really manage to get a good spot, cos we went there quite late and there were a alot of people, i really enjoyed myself...
the music was good, not like those that make you sleepy... really upbeat type...lasted for almost two hours...

reminded me of that time last year, when my sister and I went for the Z-pop concert at the padang... also free and also have to sit on the grass... but that time we didn't bring any mats or food or drinks... so we were quite miserable actually... i hope one day i can save enough money and treat myself to a concert in the sydney opera house... that will be the ultimate experience! btw... that time we went on a tour and they brought us to the opera house... we could only see the outside... but the toilets were soooo cool... really clean... like those six-star hotels... and the sink doesn't look like a sink at all...i actually took photos of the sink... very "sanba" rite... like those pple who juz came down from the mountains...haha...i think next time if i had my own house... i will install either those kind of sinks or the transparent the ones in Fullerton Hotel...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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