Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Aargh... Bad Day All Around!

The day started like any normal school day... we were fetched to the train station and it was really early for me, so i have to wait for like an hour at the station before catching a train to school...so i juz sat at the train station and slept...

Today, we had academic skills which was actually teaching us how to write proper essays and we were given 3 assignments... we have to write 2 critical reviews of 2 journal articles and a 1000 words essay on a sociology topic... sian ah!!! the whole entire day was juz teaching us how to write essays...

okay... after school... i went to the school busstop to catch a bus to the train station cos i absolutely dun want to walk to the train station... did i mention how far was it????! and then after waiting for half an hour, the stupid guard came out and told me that there was no bus coming into the school... i was like... SHIT!!! I have to WALK!!! so i walked out of the gate, luckily i saw two other pple from the orientation grp and we decided to walk together... it was soo hot today again!!

and then, we finally reached the station, took a train to another train station to change train, i have to go down to look at the screens to see which platform i was in rite... the screen said platform 3 and the train would arrive in 10 min... okay so i went to platform 3... i waited there for half an hour! and the damn train didn't come at all... i was so pissed that i went back down and checked the screens again... the stupid screen said platform 6, and they didn't even bother to announce over the speakers or something! and the train was like arriving in 1 min... SHIT! i ran like hell to catch the stupid train... aargh...
What a horrible day!!!

oh and did i mention that i am the only person taking OT in the orientation group? all the others were taking either diagnostic radiography or physiotherapy or speech pathology... Juz my luck...
There were alot of 'tong xiang's in the grp though... i think abt 8 of us... but they were all doing the bridging course in diagnostic radiography...
Sad to say... there were no nice-looking guys at all... in case anyone was wondering... haha

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