Wednesday, February 16, 2005

1 week of M.I.A.

If anyone was wondering what the heck is M.I.A... it's missing in action, and i have been that for the past week...Did anyone miss me? i hope so. anyway, i didn't write my blog bcos i was busy watching the first series of Meteor Garden... haha... at first, i was juz watching alone and my cuzzies were saying stuff like 'ohmigod why are you watching such a cheesy chinese show? and how gay-looking are the people in the show? blah, blah... so i was like, watever, you dun like to watch, well no one is forcing you to watch... ok... so the next day, which was saturday... both of us had nothing to do, we were debating on what movies shall we watch... and in the end, we ended up watching my Meteor Garden show rite, and guess what??? my so-called 'mature' cuz who hates all asian stuff, as she calls it, got addicted onto the show... she couldn't stop watching it! then there's one scene where it was so funny and she was laughing till so loud that both mu aunt and my grandma came and find out what was so funny that both of us were like laughing like goonies... before i know, both my aunt and my grandma ALSO got hooked onto the show!!! and then all of us juz sat there for the whole of sat and sun afternoons, watching the show... haha... whenever i think about this, i can't help but laugh at the scenario... cos like they dun have chinese shows on tv here, and my cuz dun really like to watch such stuff... and in the end, she's the one who's hogging the stupid tv watching the show...

I was so glad that i bought the part I and II of Meteor garden with me when i came here, so that at least when i am so bored, i can watch it... it's my fav show...haha... jerry yen is so cute! dunno what is he doing now though, cos before i left, he released his new album and nope, i didn't buy the album...

okay, enough of the show already... today i was slightly late for school, i arrived ard 9.20am and when i went to the classroom, horrors of all horrors... the teacher was the only one seating inside the empty classroom... so i went in and asked her where's everyone? and she said that i was the only one who came... shit... so we sat there for half an hour, staring at one another... trying to see if anyone else was coming...and in the end, she apologized to me and told me that i can go... it wasn't her fault really though that these pple didn't turn up so i told her that she didn't have to apologize to me... and then i went back irritating... i am so not going to school tomorrow...oh and i finished my dreaded 1000 words essay on old age already, did the oral presentation also the day before... sometimes, some pple are juz so annoying... i really feel sorry for the teacher... so far, all the teachers and librarians that i've met are all nice pple, they are all ready to help whenever anyone needs help or some advice...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...