Saturday, February 05, 2005

Thank God It's FRidaY...

Yesterday never go to school again... slack at home... was also trying to do my research on ageing for my essay paper and critical review... damn hard to find info though... today went to class and my teacher asked me, "andrea, i missed u yesterday in class... " i actually stared at her... she remembered my name... so fast ah... i didn't even reply, juz smiled at her... shit... wanted to skip on monday again, but i dun think i can...

i finally met a girl who is also in OT, i was like finding a seat on the bus when she spoke to me and asked me whether i was going for the enrolment today, yay, and she's also staying somewhere near me so we can take the train to school together when school opens on 28 feb... and also today, i registered for my OT group... there are 7 grps altogether... all the grps which finish early are all full so i chose grp 7... my favourite number... although the timetable for my grp is quite shitty...

today's academic skills class was on referencing... 3 whole hours of referencing! did i mention that i really can't wait for the semester to start??

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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