Sunday, February 20, 2005

Last Day Of SPP...YAY!

Yay! yesterday was the last day of the study preparation program (SPP)... finally... for the next ten days, i decided to go learn the theory for driving and take the theory test... cos it's really inconvenient here without a car and we have to go through alot of tests before we are really qualified to drive...

went to school in the morning with my cuz and her friend... and then went for lunch in a korean cafe... i think this was my first time eating in a korean place... hmm... and there are many korean restaurants in the place that we went to... cos i was told that that place was occupied mostly by alot of korean shops, cafes, etc... we had spicy fried rice and sweet and spicy chicken... the fried rice was good though... yummy... one thing that i found interesting was... they had metal chopsticks... i was told again that it is their tradition... it was good to experience another culture...

hmm... it was friday yesterday so we went to swim again... this time we went to the outdoor pool instead of the indoor one... the outdoor one was bigger but quite dirty though... after that, we went to this mexican restaurant in the city called HAD To Happen... this was my second time going to a mexican place to eat... the first time was back in s'pore when we went out for dinner to celebrate my birthday... the food was not bad... we had nachos and we ordered this dish called Lucifer's Plate... from the name, anyone can more or less guess that this dish is definitely not for those who can't take spicy food and a weak stomach... my cuz and I decided to be adventurous and try this dish... it was actually juz mexican sausages with nachos on top... ok... i am a person who can take like spicy stuff and this was way, way, beyond my threshold of spiciness... my cuz and I were like half drinking iced water and half tearing up... it was so SPICY! both of us had tears literally dripping... we drank 4 jugs of iced water! but it was a good experience... though it was quite expensive... we also ordered a tropical marguerita... my first time drinking such stuff... really nice though...the service and the ambience was great... but i am SO not eating that dish ever again...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...