Thursday, February 10, 2005

ENouGh OF ACadeMic Skills...Pls...

On Mon... guess what? we had 3 hours of academic skills on lectures... what to prepare before lectures, what to do during lectures, blah blah... how interesting... i really really wish that time will juz fast forward till 28 feb when school starts...
okay... i think i should really curb my habit of complaining... is it starting to become annoying?? i can't help it though... as the saying goes... you fu tong xiang, you nan tong dang...

and yesterday, we finally had like proper classes other than academic skills... we had intro to sociology... it was totally different from what i learnt in nyp... the lecturer talked abt democracy, modern society, history stuff like the renaissance, the french revolution, the enlightenment??! to me, everything sounded like gibberish... and the sociology manual was like filled with articles, pages and pages of them, not like karen yap's manuals where it's just like slides and we learnt abt microsociology and deviance, etc... so i juz sat there for 2 hours trying to pay attention to what the guy was saying and sometimes, the accent was juz totally un-understandable...

and i also met another girl from singapore who's also taking OT... it's good i guess...
yesterday was chinese new year eve, so we had like a reunion dinner at home... nice food... my aunty has good culinary skills...
so i am going to say a big HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone! Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi... Shen Ti Jian Kang...Xue Ye Jin Bu...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...