Thursday, February 03, 2005

Another Day In School...

Really cannot wait for the real semester to start... the SPP (study preparation programme) is killing me! although the teachers are really nice and patient, the things that they talk abt are so boring... the whole of this week is juz focusing on how to write proper essays... i still haven't started on my critical reviews and essay yet... back to reading journals again... i still can recall the time in nyp during our PBL... our grp read like 20 journal articles leh... read until my eyeballs fall out and my eyesight deteriorate...

I can't believe i am actually saying this but, i miss doing PBL... those pple in OT0402, pls dun kill me... the whole experience was tiring but fun...

Today, something really exciting & scary happened... we were getting down the bus from school at the train station when suddenly, i heard "THUMP! THUMP!", i looked ard and i didn't even noe what was happening when everyone started running towards the train station... i followed them running into the shelter... and then i realised what was happening... HAILSTORM!!! no kidding... ice cubes were falling from the sky and hitting on the ground everywhere... Reminded me of the scene in the movie, THE DAY After Tomorrow, haha... really dangerous though... i was really glad that at that time, i was near a shelter and not in the open... i still remember what happened to the JApanese man in the movie...
I was totally drenched! brr...brr... very cold... my cuz told me that later that this was the closest thing to snow that we get here in sydney... cool...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...