Tuesday, March 01, 2005

FiRst dAy oF ScHoOl...

finally! i can't believe i am saying this but... i am so glad that school has finally started... after waiting for so long...
today we only had OTTP ( OT Theory and Process) and Human Biology... OTTP was abit boring cos there was no notes and she said we dun have to copy anything, juz listen... so as all of us students know... sitting there without doing anything active, for eg, copying notes... and juz sitting there listen to the lecturer talk... can really turn the brain to mush... after 10 mins, my body was there but my spirit was already in lah lah land... haha... human biology was good though... i like the lecturer... he explained the concept of homeostasis really clearly... stuff like feedforward... the lecturers here dun rush thru everything juz becos they had to follow some schedule... like some lecturers that i noe...

and today, i mentioned that i will be going to school early to queue for the library position rite... i got there ard 7.30am and there was already a queue... talk abt kiasuism... i managed to get the application form, but it was on a first-come-first-serve basis... so dunno whether i will get the job or not... cross my fingers...

last saturday, my cuzzies brought me pubbing... is there even such a word?? actually becos they have a cuz there who's got a gig in this pub and so, i juz tagged along... really bad experience... didn't enjoy a single second... the music was blasting so loud, i can't even hear myself... practically everyone there was smoking like nobody's business... i hate smokers! i can't wait to get out of there...we stayed for almost 2 hours and got home really late...i am so not going to such places ever again...otherwise, i think i might get lung cancer or something...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...