Saturday, January 03, 2009

WOw... 2009...

we went on another road trip on new year's day... this time we decided to head south to the grand pacific drive and then further on to kiama... started early on our journey and left the house ard 730am... our first stop was the bald hill lookout which looks down onto the grand pacific drive... it was not as windy as the previous time when i was there with the berala gang... the weather forecast on that day was 34 degrees so it was going to be a hot day... but it was still not too hot till like mid afternoon...

anyway, our next stop was the grand pacific bridge, we initially wanted to walk the whole length of the bridge but decided against it cos it was getting quite hot... next we drove on to the buddhist temple in wollongong... it was so crowded... crowded with asians of course... so we did not stay long, but i was remembering when we also visited the temple a year ago... well nothing much has changed since though...

next we drove on to kiama... which was abt 45 min away from wollongong... and when we arrived in kiama, the first stop was the famous blowholes... it was abit disappointing bcos there was only apparently one huge one, and we did not get to see really huge sprays... i think the best way is to find out in future when would be the best time to visit in order to catch the huge sprays like we saw on the brochures... after that, we had a picnic lunch, and the weather was really nice, it was not too hot and the wind was blowing cos we were quite close to the waters... we brought along sandwiches and seriously, i am so breaded out now after both roadtrips...

our next stop was the carrington falls... apparently it is a 50m waterfall which falls into the kangaroo valley river... it took us forever to get there, cos initially uncle suggested going to minamurra falls instead cos it was closer but we lost our way and must have missed it along the way, so we decided to continue driving on to carrington falls instead... and i think we made a good decision bcos we could not only get to see the falls, there was also a small pathway leading up to the beginning of the falls, so you can actually get into the stream... it was so pretty and all of us went down... there were quite a few people there too playing in the water cos it was getting really hot... and the water was really nice and clear as well... the only thing i disliked was the stupid flies buzzing everywhere... we were all so excited when we realised that we could actually go into the stream... after that, we drove back down and the view was really amazing along the way... it was like acres of greenery and occasionally there were cows as well grazing... and we happened to pass by this farm where we noticed the cows were all lining up the hill, and they looked like they were trained or something bcos there were all just standing there waiting and not one cow moved out of line... we were so intrigued that we stopped to take photos... our last stop for the day was to kendalls beach... and we spent quite awhile at the beach... it was soo hot that day... initially i thought i would just dip myself in the water, but not actually swim, but prisy was like pushing for me to go out into the waves with her, and it was quite scary at first, bcos some waves were really huge and when they crashed on you, it really felt like you were being dunked and i was so scared... and i could not feel the sand below me anymore... so i did not want to continue but prisy and mich kept insisting that i go out with them... and after awhile, we managed to find a point where we could just try to outjump the smaller waves and i was getting pretty good at it, but when the huge waves came, either you close your eyes and nose or you dive under the waves, or else you get dunked by the waves... and also i hated how the saltwater stings your eyes... but after awhile, i was actually having fun, if i don't think abt what might actually be under the water and what i might be stepping or swimming in...

we stayed at the beach till pretty late, we started driving back to sydney ard 730pm, and got home around 10pm... all of us were exhausted... but i am very proud of myself that day cos i did not sleep at all the entire journey... usually bcos i get carsick really easily... i sleep on roadtrips most of the time, unless i am driving... but i was awake the entire time... but at the end of the day, i was soo tired... the rest wanted to watch kungfu panda but i gave up after the first 15 min of the movie and went to bed...

i can't believe i am going to be working this monday... it still feels unreal... i am officially joining the working class now... and i am turning 24 this year... damn... starting to feel old...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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