Tuesday, January 06, 2009

NeXT chAptER... aN OT (unofficial)...

yep, i am now an unofficial Occupational Therapist, cos i am undergoing training and will be under probation for 6 mths before i can be considered an official rehabilitation consultant, that's my new job title... yesterday was the first day of work for me... let's just say that the work environment and the culture are very different from usual hospital clinical settings... it's basically how you want to spend your time, but you have to make sure that you work 8 hours a day, but other than that, you can pretty much do whatever, so what happened was during lunchtime, not everybody will take their lunch together, some might choose to have it at their desk or have it earlier or later... and one of the nice things i thought was me getting my own workstation, which meant own desk, own computer, own phone and own company mobile phone... and becos we are an occ rehab company, workstation ergonomics is very important, so my manager got another colleague in my team to assess my workstation, which meant that today i got a new document holder, which is the kind that sits over the keyboard and you can type and look at the documents without having to twist your head... and the phone is a handsfree set, with the headphones and all... like a call centre... and apparently i will also be getting a new footrest tomorrow... i thought it was all very cool... haha... i was so tempted to take a photo of my workstation to commemorate... but everything was not as glamourous as it seems... even though i have not been doing any actual OT stuff yet, and i have just been assigned to doing reading stuff... watching my team members and from all the bits and pieces that i am learning along the way, it is really challenging, and you can get sued more easily than if you worked in the hospital setting if you did something bad...

but on a good note, everybody in the office are really friendly and nice... there's abt 18 of us in the office, and my team has 6 members, including me... so there's 4 OTs, 1 PT and 1 exercise physiologist... and being a kiasu singaporean, i went to buy my own organiser and notebook before i started, and now bcos all our stationary are pretty much provided, so we get our own stationary, own organiser, etc... and stupid me threw the receipt away so i can't return the organiser... what am i going to do with 2 organisers?? anyway, it's pretty boring now, and hopefully it will get more exciting when i can go out and do stuff... although i am not really complaining abt being stuck in the office cos it's so hot outside...

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