Friday, January 09, 2009

1st WeEk aT wORk...

I survived the first week at work!! yes... the one thing which i like abt my new job is the really nice and friendly and helpful people in the company and the team... bcos the company is pretty small... there is abt 18 of us, so everyone pretty much can see and hear everyone... and the consultants on my team are really helpful, and my manager is very experienced in this area as well and the good thing is she is also an OT... on the other hand, the thing i did not like this first week was the days when i just sat and read the whole day... it was so boring, my eyes really hurt just from staring at the screen all day and sitting down for long periods of time... and dunno if it is bcos i am stressed out abt the visa or work, but i can't sleep at night, like i go to bed so early ard 10am and i wake up at 3am, and after that, i could not go back to sleep and i feel so crappy the whole day, and i get a headache at the end of the day... and my feet hurt too from the really uncomfortable shoes i wear... just not used to wearing shoes with heels and even without heels, my feet hurt too...

however, had some really good experiences this week... went out with the consultants to observed how they conducted workplace assessments, and i got to visit places like a construction site and i got to wear steel cap boots, which btw i have to get one sometime in the future too... i also got to experience what it was like up in the ferry master's cabin... cos the injured worker was a ferry master, so we had to go up into the ferry master's cabin to observe him carrying out his duties... but i got really seasick that day, and i really wanted to throw up... i was like telling myself to look straight ahead and wishing for my supervisor to hurry up with the assessment so that we can leave... but when we were abt to leave, we were told that the ferry was abt to leave for a destination, and the employed rep asked if we would be able to tag along for a return trip... i was like... you're shitting me... i cannot believe my luck... so in the end, i was really feeling so sick by the time we got back onto solid ground... thank god i did not throw up or do something embarrassing... and in the afternoon, i followed another consultant on my team to cabramatta to assess a worker who works at a bank... so yeah, had quite a few interesting experiences, and hopefully in the coming weeks and months, i would be able to go out and do stuff... although now i have to revise my anatomy and COP knowledge...

oh and another thing which i thought was pretty significant to me... that day when i went out with one of the consultants on my team... he introduced me as his colleague, and it was actually quite shocking to hear myself being introduced as a colleague rather than a student like i was used to during placements... but i still feel like a student... transitioning from being a student to an OT definitely requires some getting used to...

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