Thursday, January 15, 2009


second week of working... nothing much happening... was mostly reading up on my anatomy stuff... only went out with one of the consultants on the team for a worksite review that day to the commonwealth bank in the city... and after seeing the client, we had a mini detour to the lindt cafe there, and i had my really yummy iced milk chocolate... it was sooo delicious, and it was also really hot that day so the iced chocolate was definitely a highlight of my second week... and today one of the consultants on the team finally came back from her long holiday and she was also going to be my 'buddy'... so everybody in the office was really excited to see her and hear all the stories and bcos she also got engaged during this time, so the whole day, i could hear her repeating her stories to different people... and today one of the colleagues on my team got me to help her out with the filing of the documents, and i think the manager did not seem too happy with that... but i think starting from next week, probably i will get to go out more often, already at the moment, i have been booked in for an ergonomic assessment, and ADL assessment and a workplace assessment...

and i am still waiting for the results to be uploaded onto the uni system... seriously they are soo inefficient... really delaying my PR application process... and it's already mid jan and my student visa expiring soon... why are people so slow??!! and bcos things seemed to be moving so slowly, i decided to email and call the uni coordinators to find out what was happening... in the end, i got an email basically telling me not to keep emailing everyone and asking them about it and that they are currently working on it... well there's really nothing i can do now that they have basically asked me to stop harrassing them... sometimes, uni seriously gives me the shits...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...