Saturday, December 27, 2008

post- XmAs...

a recap on what i did over for christmas this year... worked on christmas eve and i was also closing... it was really quiet when i started around 6pm but it got quite busy around 8pm and i was working straight through... so needless to say, i was really tired by the time i got home... and currently, prisy and i are watching two animes... one called kenshin and we also decided to recap get backers again... and that afternoon, we watched journey to the centre of the earth... it was ok, not as bad as the reviews i read...

christmas day... we went on a roadtrip to blue mountains... it was really quiet on the roads that day... when we arrived at katoomba town, we saw this sign saying free xmas lunch... so of course, being kiasu singaporeans, we decided to have a stopover and check it out... it turned out to be free lunch organised by the local christian community for people who either have nobody to celebrate christmas with or people who were poor... so we felt really bad being there, but it was too late, in the end, we decided to quickly eat and make our exit... so by the time we arrived at the blue mountains it was like noon... and ohmigod... the place was packed with tourists, it was like everyone also decided to come to the blue mountains all at the same time... and it was mostly asians... michelle managed to persuade me to try the giant steps trail down one of the three sisters rocks... i should not have listened to her... the steps were so narrow and it was really steep and on top of that, it was so crowded... and not all the steps had rails on both sides... it was really scary... coming up the steps was the worst part... it got so hot by then... i gave up after going down maybe six flights of steps... that's it... if i kept going, i would not have the strength to climb back up... so prisy and michelle went further while i slowly made my way back up... oh man, it was really horrible... never again... my muscles are still aching till now...

boxing day... i decided to check out DFO bcos i really need decent work shoes for when i start work next week... so prisy and i drove down to homebush and when we took the exit to DFO... there was this long queue of cars going into dfo... i was like, you are shitting me!!! the whole world again decided to go to dfo to check out the sales... so in the end, after much difficulty getting into the parking we managed to get a spot but it was outside... the whole place was packed full of people, again mostly asians... seriously... and to illustrate how packed it was... the oroton shop had to close the shutters cos there were too many people in the shop, and so people had to queue up outside the shop to wait for their turn into the shop... it was crazy... in the end, i really did not have any mood to shop bcos it was giving me a headache, so i ended up with no shoes but a pair of work pants... and when we were backing out of the carlot when this car wanted to park, so the driver came down and told us to go back into the lot so they could park first, so ok we went back into the lot, then the car beside us was backing out too... so in the end, the car beside us went out first, and the stupid driver was gesturing to me to move further forwards, so he has enough space to reverse out, but there is only so much i can move forward without hitting the car in front of me... so in the end, the stupid drive got really impatient and started gesturing and scolding me... i was sooo annoyed and upset with the whole thing... and it did not help that it was hot that day too... never again will i go out on boxing day... it was just ridiculous and not worth it...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...