Wednesday, August 16, 2006

HIp HiP HooRaY...

nothing much to update abt the events that happened last week...
some stuff that happened were... the zip on my pencil box came out and now although yochi fixed it back for me, i have to be extra gentle with it in case the whole zip really came out and i cannot fix it back again... this pencil box has special meaning to me bcos mrs yee, my sec 3 chemistry teacher gave it to me... yup, i have been using it ever since i was in jc 1... which i have to mention that yes, for those who knew me, i am still using the red hand-stitched wallet... and it's been like 7 years since i started using it... how durable is it... and although everyone' s been telling me that i should change my wallet already, i will use it till it's really not usable and... recently the label had come off and stuff has been peeling off from the wallet... :)

the most exciting thing to note was that my parents are coming to visit me... yay... hip hip hooray! i am definitely really excited and looking forward to them coming... i really miss home... and my party's preparation are going well... planned the food, games and all the other stuff... hope that day would be nice weather and everything goes well and smoothly... the theme of the party is to create their own masks... so all my guests have to make their own mask and wear them to the party... haha... and the most creative mask would receive a mystery prize, which i have not decided what yet... was not going to buy a cake cos i dun really like cakes, i was thinking of baking brownies and icecream instead but auntie was like just get a small one cos what's a birthday without a cake?? and i was like oh man... alright i will get a small one...

work area... nothing much to report on... same stuff happening... except now i think they are hiring more checkout operators cos i think we are really short of staff and supervisors... and also more shelvers...

yeah, i guess that's abt the excitement last week... have to think abt what i am going to do with my parents when they are here... there's only a limited number of places that i can bring them... oh well... we'll see when the time comes... oh and btw... it hailed today at lidcombe today... it was not as big as last year's but it also happened when i was abt to leave school...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...