Tuesday, August 08, 2006

PLeAsaNt sUrpRisES...

worked both days during the weekend... but on sun morning we wokeup at 7am to play badminton at this sports court near thornleigh that michelle found and she booked us in for one hour... so we had to wake up at 7am on a sunday morning to play badminton with her colleague, steve... i dun mind playing badminton, but waking up at 7am in the morning and especially it's a sunday and i had to work later in the afternoon till 10pm... that was definitely not enjoyable...

as expected, i was so sleepy already when i started work... kept yawning nonstop...
however, the good thing was, remember the evil supervisor which i used to curse in my blog (yep, i was reading thru my blog to remind myself of some of the things that i did last year at this time, and i read what i wrote on her... it's really weird now reading all that, cos now the evil supervisor has like a 350 degrees change in her attitude... she's really nice now, although she still bitches sometimes, but as long as it's not me, it's fine, i just listen and agree to whatever she says) anyway, she let me go off early yesterday, was supposed to finish at 10pm, which is the closing time of the supermarket on sundays, but bcos yesterday we had too many pple closing, so she asked me if i wanted to go off early... of course i want... yep and it was so boring yesterday during work cos there were too many of us working... so we were all just standing there, bcos the registers have all been cleaned, stock were put back, and mats were done... so the extent of the niceness of the evil supervisor was that even when some of the other cashiers were chatting and fooling around, she did not even say a thing... i wonder what caused her attitude to change so drastically?? hmm...

oh and last night finished handmaking my party invitations and gave them out today... can't wait for my birthday party, i wish my family and friends could come and celebrate with me... and also gave kathryn's birthday present... was actually debating whether to give the present to her bcos like i only got to know her during clinicals and we were not even close... anyway... i decided what the heck, just give it to her and it's up to her what she does with it... and she seemed quite surprised that i remembered her birthday... in conclusion... i was glad that i gave the necklace to her...

oh btw, my sister reminded me that it's National Day on wed... Happy National Day!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...