Thursday, July 28, 2005

A reViEw...

aiyo, long time never blog again... all bcos of this chinese show i am watching... called "xian jian qi xia zhuan"... a collaboration between hong kong, taiwan and singapore... it's actually taken from an online game, but the computer graphics effects were really bad... got bryan wong, guo liang and fu fangling, from channel u...
i have to say that, although the show is so long-winded, it's really good, but it's a sad ending, the acting made up for the bad cg effects... alot of pple say that the main actor is cute, but i prefer the other male character...
i have been going to amelia's house to watch the show, cos the file's too big, and she has the external hard drive... so everytime, both of us just sit in front of her laptop, eat junk food, and cook noodles for lunch... quite fun though... but i felt bad for always going to her house and then she has to clean up...

that's what i have been doing for the past two weeks, and now it's the second last wk of holidays, and i dun feel like going back to uni... so lazy...
whoa, u noe yesterday i started work at 7am, so early! and by 2pm, i was already dead tired, kept yawning nonstop, i really felt that my spirit has left my body, and i was just scanning the items automatically...
yesterday, went to watch fantastic 4, finally! the ending was an anti-climax... but on the whole, it was okay though... waiting to watch charlie and the chocolate factory, stealth, and sky high...
btw, why pple still haven't do the three quiz yet??! aren't u scared that the curse will take effect? heehee... better do it soon...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...