Saturday, July 02, 2005

LaZy tO thInK oF a tiTle...

i think this post will be quite boring cos half the time, no one will noe what i am talking abt... all i can write abt would be my cashier job at woolworths... well i have to say that business is finally starting to pick up as compared to last week, and i was busier too...

actually this wk's roster was supposed to be only on sat and sun, but i got asked to be 'information girl' on 3 days... the job of an information girl was to... walk ard the supermarket ten million times and give out the catalogues and help customers to find stuff... it was really B-O-R-I-N-G... i would rather do cashiering... after 2 weeks at the new store, got to noe some of the pple working there... although i wouldn't say we are at the stage of being frens... juz like those hi-bye workmates... haven't saw anything or anyone interesting at work yet...

that wed was my day off, so i went to hornsby to shop, actually wanted to get gloves for my hands, it's still in a pretty bad condition... in the end, i did something impulsive... i went to cut my hair... i actually wanted to keep my hair long, but i juz couldn't stand the sensation of it brushing my neck... and it's getting harder to wash my hair... so in the end... i got a haircut that looked suspiciously like the one i had when i was in kindergarten... sigh...

shit... next week i only working on mon, and got the whole week off... what the heck am i going to do?

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...