Tuesday, July 12, 2005

dIsNeY on iCe...

hello hello...
updates and more updates... last sat was nao's 21st bdae, and she treated us to go watch Disney On Ice... oh man, it was really cool and i enjoyed it very much, like the costumes they had, and the expertise of the skaters... watching them makes me wish that i can ice skate... the place was almost filled to full capacity and most of the pple there were little kids and their parents... so cute, they were like dressed in the princess costumes, haha...
oh and before that, we went to eat at this taiwan restaurant, where u can eat and read the comics and chinese magazines provided... i like the ambience better than the food though... the toilet was really cool, they had this automatic seat cover dispenser and soap dispenser, i was so impressed by the soap dispenser... hmm... i should have that next time in my home...

after the show, went to nao's house to eat cake and open prezzies... her house so nice... it's a penthouse and 2 levels... i really enjoyed myself, especially with the hula-hoop thing... 'wink wink' we should do it again sometime... :) thanks nao for the invitation...

after that, went to prisy's workmate another 21st bdae... at a bar... okay, the good thing was they provide a free flow of drinks... ordered red wine but halfway through, i gave it to prisy and drank sprite instead... well, let's just say we went back quite early... sorry prisy, knew that u wanted to stay there longer...

yesterday, went to paddy's to meet up with angie... so happy to see her again after so long... she told me that she's migrated again... to perth... she also never change after one year in new zealand... except maybe now she talk more than before... but she still very soft-spoken... that's what i told her too...we walked from paddy's all the way to town hall, and i had to go back early so we didn't get to spend much time together, i felt bad... cos she's going back on tues and dunno when will i see her again... didn't even give her anything...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...