Tuesday, July 05, 2005

WheRe'S biRdie?

today is a very sad day... cos our bird at home went missing this morning... dunno wat happened... when uncle brought him out into the backyard in the morning as usual, birdie suddenly disappeared and all of us still dunno wat happened to him... usually he would chirp and sqwuak nonstop but today, we didn't even hear a sound from him... michelle and me went ard to the neighbouring houses and ask them to let us into their backyards to look for him, but still to no avail... i am so sad... although sometimes , birdie can be very irritating, we all still love him, especially uncle... sigh... we suspect that he's eaten by the neighbour's cat already... our poor birdie...

yesterday, received an email from angie, saying that she's coming to sydney to visit for a few days... yay, the last time i saw her was last year, so maybe we can hang out in town when she's here...

heard abt the IOC meeting in singapore... whoa, alot of big names leh... also heard that beckham's in town also... he's still my fav football player of all time... although i dun get to watch football now... it will be good publicity for singapore... attract more tourists... can't wait to find out which country will win the bid to host the olympics...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...