Sunday, August 07, 2005

One mOre WeeK tO gO...

found myself back in ceci again... after so long, still remembered the last time i was there was when we were celebrating mel and karen's birthdaes... this time, i was the one giving a treat, so auntie, uncle, prisy and michelle and me drove to strathfield last sunday... ordered 4 dishes, and in the end, it was too much and i was like tearing up, cos the rice cake was really really spicy! i felt so bloated after drinking so much water... and poor michelle could only eat her non-spicy potato noodle... cos she can't take spicy stuff... now abit sian of ceci already, have to look for other nice places to eat...

last week of a 2 mth long school holiday... mon, me and prisy went to the city to shop, sing karaoke and more shopping... bought a poncho for myself, and she bought a belt...
tues and wed stayed at home, doing some reading and watching my chinese show, oh man, all the songs in the show are so nice! wonder whether they will show it in singapore... and whether there will be a soundtrack for the show... when we went karaoke on mon, i found two of the songs in the show, and i was so happy i got to sing it... but there's this really really nice one which i am still figuring out who sang it...

work is as usual... nothing much to talk abt... except that sometimes i feel that to get into the supervisors' good books eg give u more shifts, treat u nicer when u need help or press the wrong buttons, u have to suck up to them... u noe like, 'pai ma pi'?
sometimes i feel like i am doing just that, and i feel so fake... even though u dun like that particular person, u still have to smile at them and treat them like ur close friend... especially when they ask u to do something u dun like... sigh...

and on thurs... finally, and i mean, finally, got my learner's licence... yay... valid for 3 yrs, the thing over here is that, the driver's licence is like our IC... wherever u go u have to bring... especially when u go clubbing, or places where there are age restrictions... so i dun have to carry my passport ard...
have to find someone to teach me driving, so that i can take the next level and upgrade to a P plate... and then when i save enough money, i am going to get a car... it is really inconvenient here without a car...
i also bought a calling card, and called some pple back home... after talking to them, i have this feeling that by the time i graduate and go back home, some pple back home will have already forgotten me... all i am left with are memories and photos that we took together... but i just want to say that, if u are reading this, i am glad and fortunate to have met and known u as a friend... thanks for all the happy memories that u have given me... i will always remember...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...